Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Post Workout – Rest and Recovery

post workout is generally by body builders as the phase that follows immediately after an intense workout.  The workout is intended to build muscles tissues for the body. This is the period until the next schedule of workout. This is also the period where the body would need to replace its energy stores.

When doing the intensive workout, the body’s tissues are damaged at the micro level. These are the tissues that fuel the whole workout activity. The workout actually makes the body stronger, fitter, and more muscular. In the e3nd, it would need repair.

The process

During workout, the repair and the rebuilding occur. This is the breaking down of the old damaged proteins (protein breakdown and the creation of new ones in protein synthesis. The muscle protein synthesis is slightly raised during the workout, but some are unchanged.

The breakdown of protein increases, altogether doing more breaking down than building up. Between these two (muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown) shows the metabolic processes in muscle growth. 

Ideally, optimal muscle growth should happen during the recovery period. The aim is to replenish the energy stores and increase the size of the muscles. There is also repair of the damaged ones caused by the workout.


To replenish the consumed nutrients, there would be a need of fresh new nutrients. This will help the composition of the body, its performance and recovery. In the workout, the glycogen (carbohydrates stored in the muscles) and the proteins are all broken down.

Right after workout, the body is depleted out of its natural stores of nutrients. The muscles are also torn because of the stress. Nutrition is needed coming in from workout supplements (Nutrients from natural food takes a bit longer) in replenishing what is needed by the body. 

With the consumption of particular nutrients, the body gets its replenishments. There are ongoing studies to check on the most effective post-workout nutrition strategies for athletes and exercisers of all kinds.


With the nutrition from supplements, the body quickly recovers. There is less muscle soreness. There is increase in muscle building in the body.

Also, there is improved bone mass of the body and the immune system is also raised. Finally, it gives the body the ability to utilize fat in other activities. There are also some effective post-work nutrition strategies for athlete and recreational body builders.


The body is able to use the nutrients for rebuilding and recovery, if they are available. With its availability, the body will then use them in the rebuilding process.

The availability is improved when there is increased blood flow to the skeletal muscles during and after the workout. This would mean there are more nutrients now. Providing amino acids and glucose to the blood will increase the rate of protein synthesis.

In a sentence, post workout is a real necessity in the recovery phase of the body after a heavy workout. This is one needed phase in the workout cycle to be able to achieve the body’s goals.

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