Wednesday, October 17, 2018

BCAA Supplements – Getting More Intense Workouts

By way of science, BCAAs (branched chain amino acids of leucine, isoleucine and valine) promoted protein metabolism in the body, which includes the synthesis of albumen and glycogen. They also reduce oxidative stress by way of activation of gene involved in anti-oxidative defenses, all available in BCAA supplements.

By practice, BCAAs are popular among body-building buffs for decades now, and is becoming popular among the wider athletic population. These amino acids, however, cannot be synthesized by the body and have to be sourced out.  

In addition, BCAAs are unique because they can be metabolized in skeletal muscles while the other essential amino acids are metabolized in the liver. They are the largest collection of amino acids in the body, making up to 35% of the muscle protein.


During exercise, the amino acids are depleted – a show on how they benefit the body. In a controlled trial on marathon runners, the supplementation of BCAA showed improved mental performance. The running times of those slower athletes were improved.

In another trial, the BCAA supplementation increases the athlete’s muscle strength in comparison with other supplements. It also increased the power output in still another study. However, the decrease in fatigue and exertion could be the result of the power rise.

Fatigue and endurance

Marathoners with BCAA supplementation experienced reduction of fatigue after a race and in another study, the fatigue factor decreased by an average of 17.2%.

Likewise, BCAA supplementation had shown it can increase endurance. The runners given BCAA ran better times for two consecutive days in a row in 5,000 and 10,000 meter races. The study also showed it increase oxygen consumption by 13%.


With BCAA, the serum decline during the exercise proper is prevented. The decline of serum normally caused tryptophan to flow into the brain. This causes the production of serotonin, the primary substance that in turn causes fatigue.

These benefits athletes would want to have their muscle protein synthesis and minimize muscle protein breakdown without a substantial calorie loading.


BCCA helps an athlete to get a more intense workout by way it competes with the amino acid tryptophan in entering the brain. Tryptophan converts into serotonin. During exercise, the level of serotonin is raised. This action makes one feel more fatigued, thus suppressing the urge to continues and try harder.   

With the amount of tryptophan effectively reduced in the blood-brain barrier, the BCAA thus reduces the amount of serotonin produced. As an effect, this make you try harder and longer in your exercise.


In the same manner, BCCA also regulates glucose in the body. This helps maintain blood sugar levels. Amino acids in the body improve glucose and insulin sensitivity in healthy people.

As it is continuously released from the liver to the skeletal muscles, glucose helps maintain the blood sugar levels. With the presence of amino acids in the body, the glucose uptake and the insulin sensitivity in healthy people is improved.

During workouts, BCAA supplements can immediately supply the amino acids needed in the blood sugar production, an important factor to those on calorie-restricted diets.

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