Saturday, December 23, 2017

Muscle Building by BCAAs

Muscle tissue is made-up of proteins and protein is made up of amino acids, which are bind together like a necklace. The way that muscle grows is by stringing together amino acids to make more protein and this process is known as muscle protein synthesis. Although the three BCAAs are critical components in the "strings" of proteins that make muscle, their role in muscle-building is more than serving as building blocks. Research has shown that taking BCAA supplements before workouts lowers the amount of tryptophan that gets into the brain and therefore delays fatigue by allowing more of another fuel source to be used, the onset of fatigue is delayed, which matters when training for endurance. BCAA supplements also spare glycogen by as much as 30 percent, it is likely by increasing levels of another amino acid, alanine, in the blood, which the liver turns into glucose that the muscles can utilize during exercise.

The issue with the BCAA supplements contained in whey protein or any protein rich food is that they are peptide bonded and must be released in the digestive system before being absorbed and effective in the blood stream. Even though whey protein is a reasonably fast digesting protein source, it takes time for the amino acids to be digested and become effective. BCAA supplements in powder form can be taken around 2 to 4 times daily depending on your training planning. During a workout plan, it is normally supplemented before during or after a workout. When your session lasts over an hour, it can be a refreshing beverage whilst you train and it helps to keep you hydrated. You can also supplement BCAA supplements in powdered form first thing on a morning or last thing on a night before bed. Experts recommend that you make sure your supplement doesn’t have caffeine in it before bed.

The human body is a machine that relies on timing. Releasing the right nutrients at the right time keeps you going, or stops you from working. If you have to choose, depending on your goal there is a best time to take BCAA supplements. If you want to delay the burn out that you feel at the end of a workout, then the best time to take BCAA supplements is right before you work out.

Taking BCAA supplements at both of these times is going to release that right dosage of nutrients to your body at exactly the right time:
  • This stops your body from using its own fuel which is muscle burning.
  • It also gives your body enough additional resources to do what it needs to do.
Timing is everything in supplementation. As long as you're getting enough dietary macronutrients such as proteins, fat and carbohydrates lean body mass, or muscle will be spared. If you do decided to take BCAA supplements, make sure they're from a reliable and safely approved company. And most importantly, pay attention to how you feel while taking them. If you think it makes a difference in your workout plans then go for it.

If you want to skip the soreness that you feel after a workout, then the best time to take BCAA supplements is when you finish.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

What to Expect In Post Workout Supplements

For people who are looking forward to building muscles then BCAA blend becomes very essential for them. Although one study showed that following endurance exercise, glycogen levels were replenished more rapidly when carbohydrates were consumed shortly after the exercise. The most common argument is that the subsequent cellular hydration and swelling will have an anti-catabolic effect on muscle. I don't believe that this is possible because cellular hydration to the extent that we get with creatine supplementation has little effect on muscle protein synthesis or breakdown in healthy men or women. For others, proteins post-workout helps in repairing the muscles and tissues which have worn off during an intense workout.

It’s important to know when using supplements to cycle your post workout supplements. Your body can get accustomed to a supplement and begin to not work as effectively.

Creatine is popular because it works. It gives you the ability to maximize your strength and that will lead to muscle growth.

The great thing about taking BCAA before a workout is that it helps reduce muscle tissue breakdown. It also allows the body some quick energy to get your workout done. It prevents the body from losing  you of essential aminos from your muscle tissue.

Caffeine has always been known to be the most popular performance enhancer around. It acts on the central nervous system; it also has a means of increasing metabolism. It works by releasing fatty acids into your blood stream to be used as energy. Now that’s one heck of a fat burner if taken before a workout.

Whey protein 
Post workout like whey protein concentrates and isolates are best to post workout supplement because whey helps in a quick boost in the muscle recovery and it also helps in quick muscle growth. Whey hydrolysates and casein helps in increasing the absorption of amino acids in the body making it an excellent post workout supplement. 

The importance of eating after a workout is to restore the energy depleted during the workout. Moreover, you want to rebuild muscle and fuelling them with food is an excellent way to do that. You can rebuild the tissue that breaks down during an intense workout by eating within two hours after your workout. Many people like to down a protein-packed shake, which is a great way to rebuild.

The post workout window theory has struck fear into many people. The thought that you have just minutes to consume a post workout meal before the optimum window for muscle growth slams in your face is an anxiety provoking of the main reasons the short post workout nutrition myth has exploded is through bodybuilding supplement companies. Sports and bodybuilding supplement companies are masters at convincing people to buy useless products that they don’t need. This is one of the reasons most people obsess over post workout nutrition. Post workout supplement manufacturers have people living in fear that they need to buy these supplements all the time, to gain best results from the hard effort they put in at the gym.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Nutritional Needs for Your Pre Workout

While the intense resistance exercises will only consume an hour of your time, what you eat 90 minutes before has a significant impact on the net results. Research has shown that the timing of your pre workout nutrition consumption affects the anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise. It is simply stated, the process that builds up muscle and strength is driven by anabolism. This metabolic process stimulates protein synthesis which results in muscle growth.


Carbohydrates are responsible for refuelling the muscles by getting stored in the body in the form of glycogen. When the levels of glycogen reduce in the body, we feel fatigued. During workout sessions, stored glycogen is used up by the body to give energy. If carbohydrates are not taken before the workout, the stored glycogen will be completely used up and it will have no backup energy left for the body which ultimately leads to workout energy. The carbohydrates taken before workout must be simple carbohydrates like fruits or fruit juices. A special sports drink can help in such cases. It is always better to consult your health coach before selecting the pre-workout carbohydrates quantity.


You may not realize it, but coffee’s main ingredient and your a.m. stimulant is added to almost all thermogenic and pre-workout supplements. Researchers have shown that caffeine helps in improving the endurance during the workout sessions. When it comes to caffeine supplement, the dosage is very important because an overdose of caffeine can make you nauseous and nervous.


L-arginine is an amino acid found in red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products, and it's necessary for your body to make proteins, increase growth hormone, promote muscle protein synthesis, and relax blood vessels.

Here are the best pre workout nutrition you can eat within an hour before your workout:

Fruits and Yogurt

Fruit is high in carbohydrates and greek yogurt is packed with high-quality protein. The carbs from fruit break down quickly and the protein is used later to prevent muscle damage. Fruits are highly beneficial to our body so does its contribution for your pre workout nutrition needs.


Bananas are loaded with digestible carbohydrates and are packed with potassium, which aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function. Bananas are also good for the heart.


A slice of wholegrain bread is a good source of carbohydrates. If you’re working out during your lunch break, grab some bread about 30 minutes before you head out. You should eat about 30 grams of carbohydrates and 15 to 20 grams of protein. Wheat bread is also advisable.

Rich Oats

Oats are full of fiber, which means they gradually release carbohydrates into your bloodstream. Oats also contain B vitamins, which help convert carbohydrates into energy. Help yourself to one cup at least 30 minutes before you begin exercising. Oatmeal’s are also good sources nutrients.

A good pre workout nutrition and supplement helps to push the boundaries of what you’re capable of, smash your limits and achieve your goals and targets both quicker and more efficiently. Whilst you can get single-ingredient pre workout supplements, they are often found as a mix of different pre workout nutrition to hit your body from different angles.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Role of Amino Acids

Of all the amino acids, medical studies have shown that leucine, valine, and isoleucine, collectively referred to as branched-chain amino acids, are the most crucial in optimal muscle growth, increased energy levels, and enhanced athletic performance. Branched-chain amino acid supplements are essential nutrients that the body obtains from proteins found in food, especially meat, dairy products, and legumes. They include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Branched-chain refers to the chemical structure of these amino acids. People use branched-chain amino acids for medicine. Basically, essential amino acids are never produced by the human body. You must acquire them from complete protein food sources such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and legumes like quinoa; or combination of incomplete vegetable sources. On the other hand, non-essential amino acids can be produced by the body from vitamins and other amino acids.

Because branch chain amino acid supplements are so important to muscle tissue, and because they help maintain blood sugar levels, it’s important to get enough to support your workouts. Consuming a carbohydrate, protein, and amino acid beverage during and after training can induce an insulin response, which helps transport branch chain amino supplements into cells. However, availability of leucine is more important than insulin. Within the muscle cell there’s one particular regulatory pathway for protein synthesis that’s stimulated by insulin, but dependent on leucine. In other words, protein synthesis and hence muscle rebuilding depends on how much leucine is available. And since BCAA levels decline with exercise, it makes sense to supplement with them during and/or after workouts

Very few of the studies out there have looked at what happens when you give branch chain amino acid supplements to people who are already eating enough protein. The study that looked at the effect of branch chain amino acid supplements on the testosterone: cortisol ratio actually excluded subjects who were eating more than 0.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. People can’t assume that the results will apply to people who are already consuming “adequate” amounts of protein. Unlike other bodybuilding supplements that flood the market, branch chain amino supplements are relatively safer to take on a continuous basis as they are metabolized by muscle tissues and not the liver. There are no common negative side effects for BCAAs when taken as directed. The most important consideration when buying branch chain amino supplements play several other roles in your body too.

Your body can use them as building blocks for protein and muscle. They may also be involved in regulating your blood sugar levels by preserving liver and muscle sugar stores and stimulating your cells to take in sugar from your bloodstream. Moreover, branch chain amino supplements may help reduce the fatigue you feel during exercise by reducing the production of serotonin in your brain. Choose a product which is developed by a reputable brand.

Never go for cheaper, lesser known brands because you want the good stuff, and we’ve all heard the news reports lately about shady supplement companies. Stick to the big and safe brands, and you’ll be building big muscles of your own.

Gains of Taking Post Supplements

In every workout activity, the muscle tissues you’ve trained are in the state of breaking. They are literally torn up from the strains of workout you subjected them in the gym. The levels of glycogen which is in the form of carbs are have been depleted and they’re quickly breaking down protein that they’re made of. These are where post workout supplements comes in the game. And there are lot of post workout supplements available at your needs. But also, you must know their ingredients and uses of each supplement. As per every post-workout supplement, Betaine Anhydrous improves total strength output and helps with the growth of lean muscle tissue. A study published shows an impressive increase in total strength output and endurance in men who had supplemented with Betaine. More promising research shows dramatic muscle gains, as well as decreases in body fat when supplementing with Betaine.

Creatine Monohydrate is used by your body in a number of ways, all of which benefit muscle growth, endurance, and strength improvements. Creatine Monohydrate supplementation boosts adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the primary fuel source for muscles that are actively being used for an exercise. This increase in ATP allows the muscle to work harder for a longer period of time, resulting in an increased ability to lift heavier volume for longer during your training session. The ability to train harder for longer will result in your body responding over time with muscular hypertrophy or muscle growth. Consuming a serving of L-Leucine post-workout supplements is crucial to kick start protein synthesis. Leucine plays a critical role in stimulating protein synthesis. Without protein synthesis your muscles will not grow, and maximizing protein synthesis is the key to building muscle. Protein Synthesis is decreased during a workout, so consuming Leucine post workout will kick start protein synthesis and tell your body that it’s time to start rebuilding.

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate is a crucial ingredient to have in your post-workout supplement. LCLT has been shown effective at improving post workout recovery: A study published shows the supplementation with L-Carnitine L-Tartrate reduced the amount of exercise induced muscle tissue damage in ten healthy, weight trained men. Glutamine supplementation post-workout is a staple for helping speed up recovery and combat overtraining by supporting the immune system. Using Glutamine to support the immune system is a smart idea, because training hard & often can take a toile on the body – the last thing that you want is to be feeling down and not able to train.

The benefits that come with using Beta Alanine are outstanding for natural athletes. This ingredient is often characterized by the flushed face feeling that may be accompanied by tingling when ingested. Bet Alanine is commonly found in pre-workout supplements because of this, but also in a good post-workout product because of the latter reason. By increasing the levels of Carnosine inside the body; yes, Carnosine may be in the news for its anti-aging benefits but it’s also a weight room favorite as it supports the repair and growth of muscle tissue while amplifying the recovery process.

No supplement is more important than an effective formula of post-workout supplements. It’s extremely important to remember that not all post workout supplements are created equal. The post workout supplements ingredient is backed by the most promising sports nutrition research on the planet. These ingredients have been shown in scientific studies to produce an ergogenic effect in humans. To produce the greatest benefits possible for your post workout program.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Gains of Workout Supplements

Getting your body ready for a challenging workout session can be just as important as the actual exercise itself. Treating yourself right outside of the gym or off the running or cycling route puts you in the best possible position to get results. One of the best ways to get yourself ready to rock at your highest level is by using and buying great pre workout supplements online. Pre workout supplements online have ingredients that should be selected according to your training goals. If you tend to feel groggy and out of it while working out, seek ingredients that boost energy and focus. If you tend to run out of steam mid-workout, try ingredients that improve power and strength.

Benefits Of Pre Workout Supplements Online
The popularity of pre-workout supplements keeps growing due to a wide spectrum of benefits they provide. Some of them include:
·         Alertness in mind
·         Increased athletic performance
·         Better mental function
·         Improved muscle build
·         Aids in weight loss
·         Faster muscle recovery
·         Better mood and overall wellbeing
·         Increased lean muscle mass
·         Stronger libido
Pre workout supplement online also produce an optimal hormonal environment for making the most out of training sessions. Stressing the body with exercise can throw various hormones and hormonal processes out of whack, and these supplements typically contain ingredients that counteract these effects.

Seek out the words “nitric oxide” on a supplement’s label. This ingredient may help you go strong through a tough session likely by widening the blood vessels, which, in turn, delivers more oxygen to your muscles so you can perform at your peak. You can also look for mixes made with beets, as this vegetable contains nitrates that then convert to the compound in your body. The over changing goal of any pre workout supplements online is to arm you with the ingredients that you need to make the most of the effort that you expend while working out. Whether you’ve hit a plateau or aren’t getting the results that you want no matter how hard you try, buying pre workout supplements online may be the solution.

Pre workout supplements online are specifically designed to boost athletic performance. And they do this by targeting a number of physiological pathways. They help to ramp up energy and endurance by stimulating the release of adrenaline and inhibiting adenosine receptors. Some pre workout supplements boost blood flow by increasing vasodilation. This leads to better muscle pumps and increased perfusion. You’ll find that some pre workouts help to increase your strength and high-intensity workload by increasing production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Pre workouts often contain nutrients that stimulate production of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), helping to keep you alert and focused.

For people with medical conditions, pre workout supplement online have been known to damage a person’s performance and health as well. Some of the ingredients in pre-workout supplements, such as caffeine, can affect the pace of a person’s heart rate to a danger zone. There are events in the body like increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and the kidneys working harder causing frequent urination and mental excitement. Furthermore, these ingredients can cause your heart to have an irregular beat during an aerobic exercise, which can be harmful. Thus, pre-workout supplements should only be used for anaerobic exercises.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

When Looking for Supplements Online

Gym freaks and bodybuilders all know about the power that pre workout supplements have to help you go the extra mile in the gym. Believe it or not, one of the best ways of doing so is by purchasing pre workout supplements online, which will give you the adequate quality and quantity of extra energy you need. The only problem here is that, if you're a novice in the world of supplements, sorting through and choosing the best one among the wide range of labels, choices, and ingredients can be difficult. A good buy of pre-workout supplements online can boost your workout that day but a great one should improve your entire workout program.

Keep in mind that when you buy a great pre workout supplements online should do these things:

A great pre-workout supplement should make your body more efficient at getting energy from foods and fat stores into your muscle cells for peak performance while you exercise. Vitamins B12 and B6 have been extensively studied and shown to play a key role in releasing energy from food at the cellular level, which supports muscles throughout your workout endurance. Creatine, perhaps the most rigorously studied supplement of all time, supports the energy availability and restoration of ATP in muscle cells both during and following maximum intensity or override efforts which in strength, power and agility. A great pre-workout supplement should improve the way blood gets to the muscles, heart and lungs to allow oxygen and energy to easily enter those systems while waste quickly moves out. Citrulline Maleate (found in Watermelon rind) and pine bark extract (AKA pycnogenol) both increase vasodilatation (blood vessel expansion) by way of nitric oxide production in the body. This enhanced circulation improves aerobic activity and, thereby, better muscle recovery and fat burning

A great pre-workout supplement should support your ability to work out hard (to “feel the burn”) but also to help you tolerate it. Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that can reduce the perceived intensity of exercise. In other words, hard work doesn’t feel so dang hard. But a too much beta-alanine for a person’s body weight can cause a harmless sensation known as paresthesia or “itchy skin,” which can be easily eliminated by reducing dosage. A great pre workout supplement should protect cellular health and function under new loads of more intensive exercise. Antioxidants like citrus bioflavonoid and taurine have both been shown to shorten recovery periods and buffer DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Additionally, Betaine is an especially promising compound found in quinoa, beets and spinach that enhances performance, improving recovery times as well! Though more research is forthcoming, it may even protect your muscles from damage related to acute, exercise-induced dehydration.

A great pre-workout supplement should help you stay laser-focused on your workout’s quality and completion. A moderate amount of caffeine and L-Theanine (an antioxidant in green tea) can stimulate your nucleus accumbency to improve concentration while enhancing your mood so you can more easily enter a flow-state and mentally power through the challenge of your workout. Choline, a nutrient found in liver, eggs and cauliflower is the building block for acetyl-choline, a powerful neurotransmitter in the brain. Supplementation has been shown to improve cognitive function and willpower. In addition to giving you an energy boost that can help get you into the gym and on your way to strong results, pre-workout supplements can help you carry your energy through to your final set. Many pre-workout supplements help with your stamina and slow some of the degenerative effects of exercise that tire your body, keeping you working harder for longer.

Not all pre workout supplements online are the same in the market. Depending on the ingredients found within, different pre-workouts can offer different benefits. Read on to learn about some of these potential pluses.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Pre Workout Supplementation

Pre workout supplements are ingesting before a workout and they are designed to enhance the performance of the workout by providing more energy, more stamina and increase in overall muscle building potential. These are the benefits of pre workout supplements, but with all the products out there, each boasting they are the best. Pre workouts help you achieve the body and results you’re after by targeting different physiological pathways. And a good pre workout contains a specially-selected range of nutrients that help you attack the gym from all physical and mental perspectives. These range from vitamins and minerals to herbs and extracts. Some of nutrients give you an energy boost, some increase blood flow and heart rate. Others enhance focus, drive, boost muscle pumps and take your strength to a completely new level.

Pre workout supplements contain ingredients that cause certain effects in your cardiovascular system. The most acquired and natural ingredient in pre workout supplements is caffeine. In the majority of pre workout supplements caffeine seems to be the major ingredient. Caffeine is known to delay fatigue and increase training time to exhaustion through several mechanisms, including the antagonism of adenosine, a substance that when produced in the brain leads to feelings of fatigue. Caffeine also enhances the release of norepinephrine, which boosts fat oxidation. That spares the body’s limited stores of glycogen, which is stored carbohydrate in muscle that serves as the primary fuel source for anaerobic exercise like bodybuilding training.

Typical supplements can contain anywhere from 100 to 300 mg of caffeine, which is up to three times the amount in a cup of coffee. Other ingredients include arginine, which is known to increase blood flow to your extremities, and a stimulant called dimethylamylamine, which increases heart rate and which has been issued a warning from the FDA. Most of the pre-workout blends skimp on the beta-alanine. Of the most popular 10 pre-workout blends, 7 included beta-alanine ranging from 20 to 40 percent of the dose used in research. Meaning, there’s hardly enough in the formula to make much of a difference. BCAAs or (Branch Chain Amino Acids) is another popular ingredient in pre-workout formulas. They have been shown to positively impact body composition, support immune function and reduce markers of muscle damage.

There is a difference between pre-workout supplements formulas and various energy drinks, although many of their ingredients do overlap. The primary purpose of energy drinks is just that: to provide a rapid boost in feelings of energy and focus. They are not designed to do what the preworkout supplements do, such as providing not only energy but also an anabolic effect that spares muscle tissue during intense training and speeding the time to recovery following a workout.

A good pre workout supplements covers from all angles of workout. They stimulate your nervous system, helping your brain work at overdrive and intense pace. They have a systemic, morphological effect on your vascular and muscular system which helps improve blood flow and get the right nutrients to the right muscles. And lastly, they provide a jump start to body to put everything in place.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Branch Chain Amino Acid Uses

A supplement that’s essential for preventing muscle sore breakdowns and promoting the building of muscle is branch chain amino acid. Branched chain amino acid, namely leucine, isoleucine and valine, are considered important and vital for muscular hypertrophy and development since they are not metabolised in the stomach and are instead metabolised directly in the muscle. It also when taken post workout they’ve been shown to trigger protein synthesis and effectively work with the protein and carbohydrates to kick-start and enhance the entire recovery process. Branch chain amino acid supplementation has been shown to potentially reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) have been shown to promote muscle protein synthesis and reduce protein catabolism. Clinical claims using branch chain amino acid supplementation is however extremely diverse with respect to study design, pathologic states, patient enrollment criteria, and supplementation regimens. As a result, to date there is no consensus whether or not BCAA-enriched nutritional supplementation is really effective and should be used. BCAA supplementation also tends to be seen as a group of amino acids with similar properties, but in fact evidence suggests that leucine is the amino acid primarily responsible for the beneficial effects of BCAAs on protein synthesis and energy regulation.

Branch chain amino acid supplements can significantly impact on intracellular signaling networks; redo state, and protein synthesis rate, all of which can have far reaching therapeutic consequences. A better understanding of the comprehensive metabolic and signalling effects of amino acid supplementation in normal and critical states will be important to rationally design nutritional regimens containing optimal combinations of amino acids.

Researchers have also examined if amino acid supplementation can mitigate post-exercise muscle damage. Branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation attenuated muscle soreness in an untrained population, but supplementation did not alter muscle function. Other research has shown that BCAAs may foster a beneficial hormonal environment as well as blunt the rise in serum creatine kinase levels. BCAAs have been used in the treatment of burn victims as well as liver diseases. Research shows that branched chain amino acids can improve exercise performance by both increasing the resistance to fatigue as well as sparing muscle glycogen, or energy stored in muscles. It appears that branched chain amino acids may have an anabolic effect on the body, which makes them particularly useful for those interested in increasing muscle size and strength. When a diet is low in branched chain amino acids, which can occur in vegetarian or low-protein diets, supplementation can be beneficial for those interested in the anabolic, muscle recovery and performance-enhancing properties of branched chain amino acids. Protein powder supplements are also rich sources of branched chain amino acids.

Other research indicates that BCAA supplementation recovers peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation in response to mitogens after a long distance intense exercise, as well as plasma glutamine concentration.

You will also find branch chain amino acid in quality protein sources such as eggs, chicken, fish, and lean meats if you still uncertain if you should supplement with BCAAs at your body.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Workout Supplements

Most pre workout supplements online contain caffeine. Caffeine is commonly used by athletes, especially those in endurance sports, to improve their exercise performance. It helps you focus more and feel less fatigue exactly the claims the supplement labels make. In reality, when you feel like you’re ready to take on the entire weight room, you can thank the caffeine for that, not the supplement. There are also even more specially designed buying pre workout supplements online that can help the actual building of muscle or fat loss and it covers the most realistic benefits 90 percent of pre workout supplements online has to offer in the internet.

There can be many different variations of the above ingredients and more to help you train and also to help you throughout your day. These types of pre workout supplements online will have different ingredients compared to the full on, stimulant base, help you get out of any hole type of supplement. The ingredient list in the main pre workout supplements is vast. There are also new ingredients being added in with every release in the current pre workout supplements online. Here are a few ingredients that appear across most of the best selling pre workout supplements online:
  • Creatine
  • Beta Alanine
  • Arginine
  • Caffeine
  • Vitamin B
  • Taurine
  • L-Carnitine
  • Citrulline Malate
  • L-Leucine
  • Agmatine
  • Tyrosine
  • Glycerol
  • Green Tea Extract

There are many different variations for the products of pre workout supplements online. For instance, the different creatine and caffeine types are huge currently. Creatine and Caffeine to keep it simple benefits your body greatly in working out. There are list of the ingredients you may see in most of the pre workout supplements online in the market.

So why does people get so caught up on buying pre workout supplements online and love them so much? It is actually more in the mind than physiological. It gets you pumped up and tingly in the face so you can get you lazy to the gym. That is the only real benefit from it. There are some studies suggesting that they may delay fatigue, increase muscle hypertrophy, and increase power output. But on the other hand, there are some studies that show they don’t do those things. But not all of these studies are conducted on the same pre-workout supplement or done by the same researchers, but some noticed some similarities in them. Either way, their effectiveness differs on different people.

Buying pre workout supplements online are mainly just a mix of caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, and maybe some other amino acids as well as some weird and questionable ingredients like 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) which is now illegal. There are also some other studies suggesting that pre-workout can cause a heart attack or stroke. The FDA regulates pre workout supplements online in general, but their oversight has been lax and often limited by resources. That alone is a huge safety concern which you never know exactly what is in the bottle of any supplement you buy. And sometimes that can lead to real harm in your health.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Why People Take Pre-workout Supplement

Pre-workout supplements are pretty popular, and you can find them from pretty much any company that also sells protein powders. A pre-workout supplement typically comes in powdered form, are meant to be mixed with water, and taste like a flavored sports drink which makes sense because they’re loaded with artificial sweeteners, coloring agents, and other ingredients. Every pre-workout supplement is composed of the following ingredients. Some people have more than other, and some having larger or smaller dosages of each ingredient. 

These are the pre workout ingredients and dosages that you should be familiar with:

Caffeine is the main stimulant that gives you loads of energy. With that, its dosage varies drastically from product to product. Professionals prefer the 150-200 mg range when you train. It’s an effective and safe dosage that will not cause you to quickly build a tolerance. Some companies go absolutely insane and over-dose their pre workout which is not advisable and not safe. While some of the research shows promising lifting benefits with high doses of caffeine, the caffeine dose is typically tailored to the individual about 6 to 9 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of bodyweight. That’s 409-612 milligrams for a 150-pound person, for example. Unfortunately, these supplements too often provide an enormous hit of caffeine, without letting you dose an appropriate amount for yourself. Plus, you get a bunch of other fluff. If you’re looking for that extra performance edge from caffeine, you’re better off getting it from other sources, like coffee or caffeine pills, where you can control the dosage yourself.

Citrulline Maleate has two effects on the body that makes it useful in pre workout supplements. The first is its ability to increase nitric oxide levels with l-citrulline. It means more blood circulation for increased performance and recovery. The second one is an increase in energy from malic acid (malate) which is a cellular energy cycle component easily burnable by the body.

Your initial response to beta-alanine is likely to be the most memorable! That’s because beta-alanine in proper dosages can cause a flushing/tingling of the skin. This is most predominant in the face. But don’t freak out, this is totally normal. And this small tingly price comes with the benefits of increased endurance and recovery.

Many pre-workout supplement include creatine in their pre workouts, as its one of the most supported muscle builders. This is fine for stimulant-free pre workouts, but not so much for caffeinated products in our experience. The problem is that creatine doesn’t absorb that easy without food. So when you take creatine before working out, there is a high chance that you are just irritating your insides which ultimately may be costing you. Creatine is stored in your muscles and used as an extra energy source when you work them. During bursts of intense activity like weightlifting, you quickly deplete a form of energy called ATP. When you supplement with creatine, you increase the available creatine in your muscles so that it can regenerate ATP stores faster and help you work out harder.

There are different forms of creatine, but creatine monohydrate is the well-studied; and the benefits of creatine don’t happen immediately. It takes time for your muscles to be “loaded” with creatine, though you can get benefits faster by taking higher amounts.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

What BCAA Supplements Has Proven In Workouts

Research is as conclusive as it can be that BCAA supplements before, during and after training not only prevents muscle tissue from being broken down, but can also help to induce muscle protein synthesis so your muscles grow bigger and stronger. The big benefit you'll experience if you supplement your diet with branched-chain amino acids is that you can rest assured that you will not experience deficiencies in overall amino acid levels. Many of those who are on highly restricted diets such as those prepping for contests or those who adopt a vegetarian way of eating will run the risk of not taking in the essential amino acids, so this supplement helps make up for that. 

In addition to making your workouts more efficient, some studies have found that the BCAA supplements leucine, specifically, may help you feel full by improving sensitivity to the hunger hormone leptin. Other research indicates that leucine could help promote fat burning and balance your blood sugar levels. And that's important because imbalanced blood sugar levels can lead to weight gain.

You may find BCAA supplements in capsule or liquid form, which makes them a convenient to consume at pretty much any time of day including before, during or after your workout. However, BCAA supplements are also found in other forms. The best protein powders on the market are generally high in BCAA, which makes a supplement more bioavailable readily absorbed and metabolised by the body. If you take a protein supplement, it probably does contain BCAAs, and it might even contain all the BCAAs that your body needs. But considering how beneficial BCAA supplements are, many athletes, fitness buffs, and regular folks chasing their ideal bodies choose to add a BCAA supplements to make sure they’ve covered all of their bases.

When you’re working out at high intensity, you’re rapidly depleting your body’s stores of nutrients like glycogen and glucose. The release of BCAAs into your body triggers your body to continue synthesizing protein instead of ceasing protein synthesis due to the stress of exercise. And protein synthesis is exactly what you want when you’re trying to build and maintain lean muscle.

Professionals agree there are lots of good lower-calorie supplements, many of which are made with vegetarian-friendly whey protein or soy protein isolate.

Liquid supplements take effect faster in the form of shakes and drinks, since they don’t have to be digested like whole foods making them a good option if you want to get a BCAA boost before your workout but don’t like exercising with food in your stomach. 

If you decide to go the supplement route, both dieticians recommend opting for one with a third-party certification by a reputable group which will help ensure that your supplements aren't fake and safe for your health.

While there are established proper guidelines for protein consumption, there are not established daily values for nutrients like amino acids, and certainly not for the sub-group called BCAAs. Many strength training programs and websites give their own recommendations for daily BCAA supplements intake, but these may or may not be right for you, especially if you’re a woman. There is difference taking supplements in man and woman; research first before taking BCAA supplements.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Taking Supplements on Your Post Workout

The easiest way to ensure an anabolic response to resistance training is through a proper and consistent scheduling of nutritionally balanced meals. A post workout supplement, such as a commercial meal replacement and drinks are optimal for providing adequate amounts of both protein and carbohydrates to help fuel protein synthesis and to limit protein breakdown. In addition, a liquid post workout supplement at this time meets the demand of increased fluid requirements and assists in enhancing the hydration level of the athlete.

Post workout supplement can help you with:
  • Restore muscles after intense workout
  • Fuels your body
  • Prevents muscle inflammation
  • Maximize your workout progress
Post workout supplement carbs are also required to facilitate sodium absorption in the gut after a sweaty workout that leaves you in need to replace electrolytes. Most recovery drinks have low carbohydrates and high sugar content. An ideal recovery drink should have protein with carbohydrates for proper post workout recovery. Combining protein with fast acting easily digested carbohydrates quickly replenishes glycogen levels and acts as a catalyst carrying nutrients that were lost during training. Your body's glycogen stores are used as fuel during exercise, and consuming carbs after your workout helps replenish them. The rate at which your glycogen stores are used depends on the activity. Endurance sports cause your body to use more glycogen than resistance training. For this reason, if you participate in endurance sports, you might need to consume more carbohydrates than a bodybuilder. 

Additionally, insulin secretion, which promotes glycogen synthesis, is better stimulated when carbs and protein are consumed at the same time. Therefore, consuming both carbs and protein after exercise can maximize protein and glycogen synthesis. Try consuming the two in a ratio of 3:1 (carbs to protein) for example, 40 grams of protein and 120 grams of carbs. Eating plenty of carbohydrates to rebuild glycogen stores is most important for people who exercise often, such as twice in the same day. If you have a few days to rest between workouts then this becomes less important.

Many people think that eating fat after a workout slows down digestion and inhibits the absorption of nutrients. While fat might slow down the absorption of your post-workout meal, it will not reduce its benefits. A study showed that whole milk was more effective at promoting muscle growth after a workout than skim milk. Another study showed that even when ingesting a high-fat meal after working out, muscle glycogen synthesis was not affected. It might be a good idea to limit the amount of fat you eat after exercise, but having some fat in your post-workout meal will not affect your recovery.

Adding creatine to your post workout supplement will then help limit muscle damage and enhance recovery. After training, the fuel stored in your muscles, glycogen will be depleted and therefore the dextrose will then immediately be absorbed and stored as new muscle glycogen. Protein has a number of different roles in the body such as repairing cells, building and repairing muscle cells and the production of energy. Usually, people using a post workout supplement is whey protein because of its fast absorption, it sends amino acids to the muscles to quickly boost recovery and kick start muscle growth.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Buying Pre Workout Supplement Online

Ideally, any consumer purchases pre workout supplement online should be consumed 45 minutes prior to your exercise. Also, in order to sustain tolerance, please restrict yourself to recommended levels. It may differ according to individual requirements. If an individual is already taking huge caffeine content, then to meet the purpose, he or she may require a higher than normal dose. It is also important to swap your pre workout supplements online to reap full benefits. Sometimes one may work, and otherwise, it may not be a good stimulant. Depending upon how your body receives it and responds, take your call. Multiple options are available in the market. Various brands offer the same purpose. Check out online sites to understand every individual pre workout supplements online that can benefit you.

One of the most important things you should look for a pre workout supplement online is the ability to increase testosterone levels. The anabolic or muscle-building effects of this hormone are well known. As your testosterone levels increase, it is normally much easier to build muscle, train harder, and recover faster. There are a number of supplements and ingredients which can be used pre-workout in order to stimulate an increase in testosterone levels. It is also very important to understand that this should be done naturally. In other words, you would not want to simply use synthetic steroids or direct testosterone injections, since these would ultimately cause natural production to decrease. Instead, something like L-Arginine is excellent at increasing levels naturally without any side effects. Other ideas for producing similar effects include DHEA, D-Aspartic Acid, Mucuna Pruriens, and Tribulus Terrestris. Be sure to look for any of these ingredients in your pre-workout supplement online of your choice.


This amino acid has a proven track record for supporting energy without any jittery side effects. Research also suggests it can increase stamina and focus. The body uses it as a precursor to producing several important hormones and neurotransmitters, such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and dopamine.


Studies suggest that taurine may help increase muscle endurance by up to 50%. One way that taurine may enhance endurance is by helping the heart to pump more blood to the muscles, as one German study reported. And we're not just talking about the type of endurance you associate with cardio. A separate study found that subjects who consumed a drink containing taurine before a workout were able to complete more reps on the bench press than when they consumed a placebo.If your pre-workout supplement online does not include taurine, be sure that it includes some other energy booster.

Rhodiola Rosea

This herb is considered a stimulatory adaptogen because it increases the body's resistance to a variety of stressors. It can help support critical hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone (GH), insulin- like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), dopamine, and thyroid hormone. In addition, it may help promote healthy levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

Schisandra Chinensis

The berry of this native Chinese vine has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. It can support muscle endurance as well as aid brain function and even keep cortisol levels down.

B Vitamins

The vitamins B6 and B12 are critical for energy production. If you take a separate B vitamin complex, it's not essential that your pre-workout provides these vitamins.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Benefits of Supplements

If you are a working professional starting a new workout regimen, motivating yourself to the gym before work or pushing yourself after an exhausting day can seem next to impossible. However, utilizing a pre-workout supplement can be your best bet if you are hesitant to go exercise after a long day. Most athletes use pre workout supplements to help them in a number of ways. Others, who are simply interested in exercising to lose weight, maintain their existing physique, or just to get a little bit of extra activity may wonder whether or not there are good reasons to use these supplements. It is important to realize that they can be extremely helpful in providing the nutritional support needed by the body. This can make your routines more effective no matter what type of goal is sought. More importantly, you need to know the benefits of pre workout supplement and how to use it properly.

Benefits of Pre Workout Supplements

Muscle Pharm Assault is one of the most popular pre-workout supplements on the market today. Not only does this have a number of ingredients to help increase your energy levels, it also offers a whole host of additional benefits. The extra energy is not only immediate, but also long lasting to help improve your stamina. They also include a muscle explosion nitric oxide matrix. These ingredients, which include Beta Alanine, L-Arginine, Citrulline Malate, Glycine, and more, have been shown to help provide nutrients directly to the working muscles. This assists in the reformulation and supply of ATP within the muscle cells. In addition to helping the muscles become stronger, they will also delay the onset of fatigue to help you perform more sets and reps. There are ingredients in this product to help improve mental energy, focus, and concentration. Medium chain triglycerides, Taurine, and L-Aspartic acid are very helpful in this regard. Together they may to a state known as runners or weight lifters high, where endorphins are flooding the system, making it incredibly easy to focus on the routine and give it your all.

A great pre-workout supplement can take your training to a new level. A bad one and trust us, they're out there will waste your time and money. Pre workout supplements represent one of the bestselling and fastest-growing categories in the supplement market today. It is justifiable, when you consider how critical the one-hour window before training is for providing your body with the nutrients it needs to perform at its optimal level. The right pre workout supplements can boost your strength, endurance, focus, and muscle pump.

Pre workout supplements can help to improve performance no matter what type of athlete you are and no matter what type of routine you use. This even applies to all the weekend people out there. It is helpful to understand what some of the more commonly used supplements actually do before making a decision as to which ones to try. Also consider the specific functions or mechanisms of action used. Do not be afraid to consider putting together a stack in order to ensure that you receive all the nutritional support your body needs to have an incredibly effective workout.