Sunday, October 22, 2017

Branch Chain Amino Acid Uses

A supplement that’s essential for preventing muscle sore breakdowns and promoting the building of muscle is branch chain amino acid. Branched chain amino acid, namely leucine, isoleucine and valine, are considered important and vital for muscular hypertrophy and development since they are not metabolised in the stomach and are instead metabolised directly in the muscle. It also when taken post workout they’ve been shown to trigger protein synthesis and effectively work with the protein and carbohydrates to kick-start and enhance the entire recovery process. Branch chain amino acid supplementation has been shown to potentially reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) have been shown to promote muscle protein synthesis and reduce protein catabolism. Clinical claims using branch chain amino acid supplementation is however extremely diverse with respect to study design, pathologic states, patient enrollment criteria, and supplementation regimens. As a result, to date there is no consensus whether or not BCAA-enriched nutritional supplementation is really effective and should be used. BCAA supplementation also tends to be seen as a group of amino acids with similar properties, but in fact evidence suggests that leucine is the amino acid primarily responsible for the beneficial effects of BCAAs on protein synthesis and energy regulation.

Branch chain amino acid supplements can significantly impact on intracellular signaling networks; redo state, and protein synthesis rate, all of which can have far reaching therapeutic consequences. A better understanding of the comprehensive metabolic and signalling effects of amino acid supplementation in normal and critical states will be important to rationally design nutritional regimens containing optimal combinations of amino acids.

Researchers have also examined if amino acid supplementation can mitigate post-exercise muscle damage. Branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation attenuated muscle soreness in an untrained population, but supplementation did not alter muscle function. Other research has shown that BCAAs may foster a beneficial hormonal environment as well as blunt the rise in serum creatine kinase levels. BCAAs have been used in the treatment of burn victims as well as liver diseases. Research shows that branched chain amino acids can improve exercise performance by both increasing the resistance to fatigue as well as sparing muscle glycogen, or energy stored in muscles. It appears that branched chain amino acids may have an anabolic effect on the body, which makes them particularly useful for those interested in increasing muscle size and strength. When a diet is low in branched chain amino acids, which can occur in vegetarian or low-protein diets, supplementation can be beneficial for those interested in the anabolic, muscle recovery and performance-enhancing properties of branched chain amino acids. Protein powder supplements are also rich sources of branched chain amino acids.

Other research indicates that BCAA supplementation recovers peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation in response to mitogens after a long distance intense exercise, as well as plasma glutamine concentration.

You will also find branch chain amino acid in quality protein sources such as eggs, chicken, fish, and lean meats if you still uncertain if you should supplement with BCAAs at your body.

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