Friday, December 15, 2017

Nutritional Needs for Your Pre Workout

While the intense resistance exercises will only consume an hour of your time, what you eat 90 minutes before has a significant impact on the net results. Research has shown that the timing of your pre workout nutrition consumption affects the anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise. It is simply stated, the process that builds up muscle and strength is driven by anabolism. This metabolic process stimulates protein synthesis which results in muscle growth.


Carbohydrates are responsible for refuelling the muscles by getting stored in the body in the form of glycogen. When the levels of glycogen reduce in the body, we feel fatigued. During workout sessions, stored glycogen is used up by the body to give energy. If carbohydrates are not taken before the workout, the stored glycogen will be completely used up and it will have no backup energy left for the body which ultimately leads to workout energy. The carbohydrates taken before workout must be simple carbohydrates like fruits or fruit juices. A special sports drink can help in such cases. It is always better to consult your health coach before selecting the pre-workout carbohydrates quantity.


You may not realize it, but coffee’s main ingredient and your a.m. stimulant is added to almost all thermogenic and pre-workout supplements. Researchers have shown that caffeine helps in improving the endurance during the workout sessions. When it comes to caffeine supplement, the dosage is very important because an overdose of caffeine can make you nauseous and nervous.


L-arginine is an amino acid found in red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products, and it's necessary for your body to make proteins, increase growth hormone, promote muscle protein synthesis, and relax blood vessels.

Here are the best pre workout nutrition you can eat within an hour before your workout:

Fruits and Yogurt

Fruit is high in carbohydrates and greek yogurt is packed with high-quality protein. The carbs from fruit break down quickly and the protein is used later to prevent muscle damage. Fruits are highly beneficial to our body so does its contribution for your pre workout nutrition needs.


Bananas are loaded with digestible carbohydrates and are packed with potassium, which aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function. Bananas are also good for the heart.


A slice of wholegrain bread is a good source of carbohydrates. If you’re working out during your lunch break, grab some bread about 30 minutes before you head out. You should eat about 30 grams of carbohydrates and 15 to 20 grams of protein. Wheat bread is also advisable.

Rich Oats

Oats are full of fiber, which means they gradually release carbohydrates into your bloodstream. Oats also contain B vitamins, which help convert carbohydrates into energy. Help yourself to one cup at least 30 minutes before you begin exercising. Oatmeal’s are also good sources nutrients.

A good pre workout nutrition and supplement helps to push the boundaries of what you’re capable of, smash your limits and achieve your goals and targets both quicker and more efficiently. Whilst you can get single-ingredient pre workout supplements, they are often found as a mix of different pre workout nutrition to hit your body from different angles.

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