Saturday, December 23, 2017

Muscle Building by BCAAs

Muscle tissue is made-up of proteins and protein is made up of amino acids, which are bind together like a necklace. The way that muscle grows is by stringing together amino acids to make more protein and this process is known as muscle protein synthesis. Although the three BCAAs are critical components in the "strings" of proteins that make muscle, their role in muscle-building is more than serving as building blocks. Research has shown that taking BCAA supplements before workouts lowers the amount of tryptophan that gets into the brain and therefore delays fatigue by allowing more of another fuel source to be used, the onset of fatigue is delayed, which matters when training for endurance. BCAA supplements also spare glycogen by as much as 30 percent, it is likely by increasing levels of another amino acid, alanine, in the blood, which the liver turns into glucose that the muscles can utilize during exercise.

The issue with the BCAA supplements contained in whey protein or any protein rich food is that they are peptide bonded and must be released in the digestive system before being absorbed and effective in the blood stream. Even though whey protein is a reasonably fast digesting protein source, it takes time for the amino acids to be digested and become effective. BCAA supplements in powder form can be taken around 2 to 4 times daily depending on your training planning. During a workout plan, it is normally supplemented before during or after a workout. When your session lasts over an hour, it can be a refreshing beverage whilst you train and it helps to keep you hydrated. You can also supplement BCAA supplements in powdered form first thing on a morning or last thing on a night before bed. Experts recommend that you make sure your supplement doesn’t have caffeine in it before bed.

The human body is a machine that relies on timing. Releasing the right nutrients at the right time keeps you going, or stops you from working. If you have to choose, depending on your goal there is a best time to take BCAA supplements. If you want to delay the burn out that you feel at the end of a workout, then the best time to take BCAA supplements is right before you work out.

Taking BCAA supplements at both of these times is going to release that right dosage of nutrients to your body at exactly the right time:
  • This stops your body from using its own fuel which is muscle burning.
  • It also gives your body enough additional resources to do what it needs to do.
Timing is everything in supplementation. As long as you're getting enough dietary macronutrients such as proteins, fat and carbohydrates lean body mass, or muscle will be spared. If you do decided to take BCAA supplements, make sure they're from a reliable and safely approved company. And most importantly, pay attention to how you feel while taking them. If you think it makes a difference in your workout plans then go for it.

If you want to skip the soreness that you feel after a workout, then the best time to take BCAA supplements is when you finish.

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