Monday, July 30, 2018

Post Workout – Important Recovery Time

Your body gets depleted with its natural stores of essential nutrients right after a strenuous workout. You may have filled up your body with some pre-workout supplements. In a post workout, however, your body needs as much as before.

There is need for a body fill up in your after-workout recovery. Your muscles have been torn under the stress and the intensity of the routine. Essential nutrients like glycogen and proteins are breaking down.

For body building buffs, a good set of pre-workout supplements is one necessity they cannot do without. However, not many of them are aware that after the workout, the body does need just as much as before. There is need for an after workout recovery supplement.

Muscle breakage

Right after your workout, you depleted your body of its natural stores of essential nutrients. Your muscles have been torn under the stress in your workout. Glycogen, the carbohydrates stored in your muscles and the proteins are breaking down.

Your pre-workout nutrients may have helped greatly, but the breakage of the muscles can be more than what you prepared for. The following are some good tips to keep you in check of your body, mind and fitness.


It might be tempting to go out to the coffee shop or the deli right after leaving the gym. The coffee might smell amazing but it’s not what your body needs at the moment.  The body needs rehydration, meaning gulping down good old water.
For some optimal recovery, 20 ounces is good. Get your water bottle, and drink all the water slowly after exercise, even if that is the only thing you do.
Rest and relaxation

Simply lie down on your back, palms turned upward with eyes closed, as yogis have it. Allow your body to recuperate and integrate itself back on its systems. The exercise is energizing but it is also tough and depleting.

After post workoutthe muscles took the strain, it is important to honor how your body feels and not pushing through the next thing. The body recovers every chance it gets. A 15-minute break after the high-energy workout and sit or lie down completely relaxed will do your system good.


Within 15 to 30 minutes, your body will need to replenish the nutrients you used up in the workout. Take some healthy whole-food snacks so you need not look for them tired and spent or maybe have to go home and blend some veggies to fill you up.

Bananas are one of the best foods for post-exercise restoration. Packed with potassium (the electrolytes help keep out cramps and muscle spasms) they are plain perfect to take. Some pumpkin seeds can bring in the manganese and phosphorous and some proteins.

Some don’ts

There are also a couple of “don’ts” which are all self-explanatory and obvious. Don’t eat the wrong snacks (unless it’s a nut bar full of proteins and vitamins and low on sugar).

Don’t refuel with empty carbs (pastries and such), don’t drink alcohol (it dehydrates) and don’t overload on your workout. You are already doing a post workout. Give yourself some rest and follow your regular schedule.

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