Friday, July 13, 2018

Branched Chain Amino Acids – A Short Run-Through

Branched chain amino acids are called such because of their structures that include a ‘side chain’ of one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms. They are composed of three amino acids --- leucine, isoleucine and valine. Leucine is the most heavily researched because it appears to offer most benefits.

These amino acids provide the basis for protein synthesis. It had been found that these acids comprise up to about one-third of muscle protein. On the strength of their presence and involvement in protein synthesis and the production of energy, they are important to many metabolic processes.


These acids need to be available to the body and we need to ingest them (at the right time) to enable the many metabolic processes of the body to function. For one, BCCAs are the only amino acids that are not degraded in the liver.

 All the others are regulated by the guts and the liver before being circulated in the body. BCCAs go directly into the bloodstream. During exercise, BCCAs are burned for energy (they are oxidized). When being consumed before the workout, they can increase the uptake of muscle tissue.

Used as a supplement, Branch Chain Amino Acid can lower lactate levels after resistance training and improves muscular oxidation. They also may increase the circulation of growth hormone (GH). This might be related to anabolic mechanism causing muscle growth.

The amino acids group may be able to decrease serum concentration of the intramuscular enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase after a prolonged exercise. This can decrease muscle damage and improve recovery.

Muscle concentration

In BCCA activity, muscle is an important site. In muscle tissue, there is an increased cell concentration and breakdown of BCCAs. They are continually release from the liver and other internal organs to skeletal muscle.

This is in order that the BCCA can help in maintaining blood sugar levels. The acids might be responsible for up to 40% of blood sugar production during workouts.

Getting enough

For body builders and fitness enthusiasts, it is important to get enough of the nutrients to support your workouts. The nutrients are so important o muscle tissue, and also it helps maintain blood sugar levels.

During the consumption of carbohydrates, protein and amino acids beverage during and after workouts can induce an insulin response. Availability of leucine is more important than insulin.

In short, protein synthesis (and the resulting muscle rebuilding) depends on how much leucine is available. It is right to supplement with them because BCAA levels decline with exercise. Consuming adequate BCCA (especially leucine) can enhance protein synthesis.


BCCAs play an important role in the synthesis of proteins, in general. It also helps in glucose homeostasis (keeping blood sugar levels constant). It also has a direct regulation of muscle protein synthesis.   

All these depend on the availability and dietary intake. The adequate consumption of BCCAs can help manage body fat, spare muscle mass and regulated glucose/insulin balance. You can add into your workout drink 5 g of the Branch Chain Amino Acid per hour of training.

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