Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Promising Branch Chain Amino Acid Supplements

The latest research shows that taking a branch chain amino acid supplement before training can have a profound effect on your hormones. It was shown that when people were given BCAAs prior to training, post-workout testosterone levels remained elevated for several hours, whereas the control group noticed a significant drop in testosterone once training ceased. The same study also showed that the group consuming BCAAs had higher insulin levels as well. Insulin is an extremely anabolic hormone that also prevents muscle tissue from being broken down and used as energy. Even the most serious of bodybuilders are left wondering why they need to take additional amino acids when they are already getting so many amino acids in all the protein they are consuming. The truth is that individual amino acids can influence muscle growth through a variety of different pathways, and of all the amino acids none have been shown to be more important than the branched chain amino acids. Branched chain amino acid supplement or (BCAAs) have been around longer than others such as creatine and beta-alanine, but few realized the full range of their capabilities regarding muscle growth and performance. The branch chain amino acid supplement has jumped to the forefront of research in recent years and the results have well-known within the bodybuilding world. Everybody knows that BCAAs go far beyond simply being building blocks for muscle tissue and can affect muscle growth through pathways few thought possible.

These are the top things you should look for when choosing your branch chain amino acid supplement:
Proprietary blends are a way for companies to hide exactly what they are giving you. Look for a BCAA that have specific doses of: leucine, valine, and isoleucine.

The most expensive product does not mean you are getting the best value. Depending on the brand and reviews, this will be a great bang-for-your-buck supplement.

Brand Reputation
If you currently have a brand that you have and like another supplement, check it out and see if they have a BCAA. Finding a well-known and trusted company that uses quality ingredients isn’t hard to find if you do your due diligence.

Get one that makes it easy for you to take.

Another way that Branch amino acid supplement can enhance performance is through their ability to spare glycogen during training. Found as stored carbohydrates within muscle tissue and the liver, glycogen is the favored fuel source for working muscles engaged in high intensity exercise. This makes glycogen availability and preservation vitally important if you wish to continue to train hard for longer periods of time. Studies have shown that by ingesting Branch chain amino acid supplement before and during training glycogen levels can be spared by 20-25 percent. It is thought that the ingestion of Branch chain amino acid supplement boosts blood alanine levels which gets converted to glucose in the liver and then sent back to working muscle to be used as fuel. This glycogen sparing effect of Branch chain amino acid supplement will not only allow for longer more intense training sessions but also allows for faster recovery leading to a better workout tomorrow.

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