Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Essence of Post Workout

Skipping your warm-up is a definite unacceptable even if your post workout is only 10 minutes long. "The warm-up” is meant to give your body the opportunity to raise your body temperature, increase range of motion, and prepare yourself for what you’re about to do. It also helps decrease your chance of injury when you ease into your workout, rather than jumping straight from a resting state to the hard work. Increasing your range of motion can help you make the most of your workout, because you'll be able to recruit more muscles during an exercise for example, getting deeper into a spot means putting more muscles to work. This is done through a dynamic warm-up, which essentially means moving through stretches that aren't held in place. The most imperative thing in any fitness program starts the minute you go to sleep that’s where all the magic happens. Being well-rested not only energizes you through every burpee or sprint, but it also keeps your hunger hormones in check, so you're not undoing your efforts in the gym by overeating the rest of the day. You already know that drinking your water is crucial to overall health, but it plays an especially important role in a fitness routine when you're sweating it out, you need to make sure your body is properly hydrated since you're losing fluids. Additionally, being hydrated will make sure your energy levels are where they need to be. Although exact water needs vary from person to person, he recommends aiming for half of your body weight in ounces per day. If your urine is dark, it probably means you're not hydrated enough. A cool-down brings your body back to a resting position the way you walked into the gym is the way you want to leave. To increase your range of motion, decrease soreness and helps your recovery process, you need to implement isometric stretching." This is the opposite of the stretches you do in a warm-up. After a workout, you should hold your stretches for at least 15 seconds each pre-workout snack is more optional than a post-workout one giving your body the fuel it needs to recover after a tough sweat is essential. There's something called post workout or the anabolic window, which lasts about 30 to 40 minutes after the workout. During this time, your body looks for carbohydrates and protein to help replenish glycogen stores and rebuild muscle, respectively, so getting your body the nutrition it needs to recover in a timely manner is important.

If you follow the latest fad about supplements, I’m sure that your stocks at home are lined with pre-workouts and protein powders. What you’re most likely missing is a complete and powerful post workout recovery supplement. It’s not enough to just prepare yourself for the onslaught in the weight room, you need to make sure you properly heal yourself after winning the battle. The only way to do that is through proper supplementation with scientifically proven ingredients. Energy and focus are a huge advantage during any training session. Great workouts are energy fueled and to the point. You are focused on the task at hand.

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