Thursday, August 17, 2017

How Supplements Boost Your Workout

It helps to have an exercise plan in mind before you hit at the gym, being prepared with the right pre workout nutrition snack will keep you on track with your fitness regimen. A pre workout nutrition snack is simply an aid to help you move faster and perform better. You can schedule your workouts around breakfast, lunch or dinner so you don’t require any pre workout aid and hence consume no extra calories you then need to also burn off.  Some people train on empty early in the morning before breakfast. At that time, the body hasn't got any sufficient energy in the stores and will use your reserves to function. The body will consume fat stores straight away. Another plus of this type of training is since your body isn't busy digesting anything all of the energy will be directed into working out. It will burn more fat but it is a brutal and a taxing way to exercise because of that so not many people can do that long-term. 

When you plan buying at a store, you should at least already have an idea of what you are looking for your workout needs. You need to know more than just building muscle or losing fat each pre workout nutrition supplement is different due to the fact that they all specialize in these different categories. Knowing the ingredients and their functions, you will be able to tell the difference between certain products. You must also learn how to cycle your pre-workout supplements to prevent your body from adapting to them. But it’s not always the ingredients you need cycling from; it’s mostly the stimulants like caffeine. These stimulants can cause fatigue to the adrenal glands which lowers your tolerance levels.


  • Helps to improve your daily workout
  • Helps to increase strength at muscles
  • Increases muscle endurance
  • Decreases muscle breakdown during training, has got anti-catabolic abilities
  • Increases protein synthesis within the muscle cells
  • Improves energy and focus
  • Increases metabolic rate and fat burning
  • Anyone can benefit from taking pre-workouts. Whether you are a strength, endurance, fitness physique athlete or just an individual trying to get in shape!
Pre workout nutrition is the food you eat after pre workout. For the majority of gym goers, it’s taken in the form of protein shakes often with the addition of carbohydrates for the post workout shake. The purpose of these meals is to; refuel your body’s energy stores, encourage muscle repair and growth and prevent the breakdown of muscle mass. However, for the average gym goer there is some debate over the need to adhere to such rigid principles and whether or not you can get all the same benefits without needing to be so bound by timing and reliant on protein shakes.

During an exercise, your main focus should be hydration, therefore in most cases, water is enough. Still, if you are for example running a marathon, you should add a sports drink or gel with fast digestible carbs during your workout.

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