Monday, August 14, 2017

Creatine and Protein

For every pre-workout nutrition needs, Protein and creatine can both help you build muscle, but only if you’re doing the work. Creatine is fairly cheap, and over the years its quality has improved considerably. Long gone are the days of Chinese creatine. Creatine monohydrate in the powder form is the recommended type, as attempts at stabilizing liquid creatine serums have not been met with success. Dextrose is beneficial when taken with Creatine, as it takes effect is an insulin spike, thereby shuttling more creatine into the intended target: the muscle. Somehow, reducing the amount of dextrose, and introducing Whey protein into the mix may elicit a greater insulin spike. By doing this an insulin spike equivalent to using 90g of dextrose may be seen.

Some said that it may be unfair to use the average person as an example for adequate protein intake when we’re talking about building muscle, since most folks aren’t tearing down muscle by grunting and groaning under a barbell at the gym. So here’s a figure that is more relevant to the active individual: a recent study found that a protein intake of approximately 0.45g per pound of body weight resulted in a negative nitrogen balance. Nitrogen balance is a measure of protein metabolism, and a negative nitrogen balance indicates inadequate protein intake for muscle gains. The same study also found that protein intakes above 1.2 grams per pound of bodyweight provided no additional muscle building benefits, and actually increased the risk of kidney damage and dehydration.

While on the process of strength and muscle-building program, ZMA is useful in that due to increase testosterone levels brought about by increased calories and its use, a great increase in strength can be seen. ZMA is a supplement that boosts natural testosterone levels to their maximum. It does this by employing a unique synergistic combination of three minerals [Zinc, Magnesium, and Aspartate]. Most experts include ZMA in the supplement regimen, and found it useful especially when on a fat-loss program. Consumption of adequate protein can help you build muscle, but you shouldn’t go overboard.

To put it simple, they work together to provide your body with the necessary foundation to create the amino acids that are needed to build muscle tissue, quicker and more efficiently. The reason athletes and bodybuilders benefit so much from the intake of pre-workout nutrition supplements is that intensive physical activity requires higher than usual levels of protein. By increasing your protein intake you are also giving your muscles more time to recover but they also grow faster as a result. Throughout the digestion process protein is broken down by dietary enzymes known as proteases. The quicker these a broken down, the faster they can be converted into amino acids which can repair muscle tissue faster and promote quicker but natural growth. It is also known to improve the overall immune health of an athlete, helping them to stay healthier, fitter and stronger for longer through intense training campaigns. A pre-workout nutrition supplement program is an integral part of a bodybuilder's arsenal. An effective supplementation program will be tailored around pre-existing medical conditions as well as bodybuilder's goals for body-composition modification.

The selection of effective supplements manufactured by reputable companies will ensure that products chosen will meet label claim, and will assist the bodybuilder to achieve his or her respective goals.

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