Friday, September 1, 2017

Post Workout Food and Training

In post workout training, you need to eat after a workout. It is important to replenish the glycogen that has been depleted during your exercise. Eating protein after a workout is a must for a speedy muscle recovery particularly after weight training. If you aren't able to eat a full meal right away, have a snack within 20 minutes of your training, then a full meal 3 to 4 hours later. Your post workout meal should be high in complex carbohydrates like quinoa and brown rice, and loaded with healthy protein, like tofu, beans, or fish. What you consume a few hours after you have finished training is also important. By consuming simple carbohydrates immediately post workout, you also cause your blood sugar to spike due to the influx of glucose. Whilst this is desirable post workout it means there is plenty of glucose readily available for the muscles the downside is as your muscles take up the glucose, your blood sugar will start to drop.

If your blood sugar drops too low, you will begin to feel weak, irritable and hungry. To prevent this from happening, consume another meal around 2 hours after your post workout meal of protein, complex carbohydrate and veggies in order to regulate your blood sugar and prevent you from crashing. This will also suppress your appetite and help you to feel fuller for longer, as well as providing your body with further much-needed nutrients. The body is like a machine: if you don’t provide it with the right kind of fuel when it needs it, it will not run properly and is more likely to breakdown. If you want to maximise your output in the gym, it is crucial that you give your body the necessary nutrients at the right time. What you eat before you post workout train can be the difference between a beneficial workout and a non-beneficial workout. Your post workout meal is equally as important, helping to regulate your blood sugar and refuel your muscles with much-needed nutrients to aid their recovery. It is essential that you maximise your time in the gym in order to hit your goals. When your body is properly fuelled, it can be pushed further, lift heavier and go for longer, better workouts means better gains.

If you don’t want to waste money on supplements and prefer food, food is the better option because it provides more than just what’s listed on the supplement. This is includes other aspects such as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. With post workout food, you should consume a combination of protein and carbohydrates based on the volume and intensity of your workout and your goals. In general, the higher the volume and intensity of the workout, the greater the need for carbohydrates and the more important post workout foods become to muscle glycogen and protein synthesis.

Whether your goal is to build strength, get healthy, or gain performance, the post workout foods you consume can play a big part in helping you reach your potential. Everyone has their opinions about post workout food but the important factor in working out that applies to everyone is the nutrition and determination you exert for yourself.

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