Monday, March 25, 2019

Trans4orm – Top Ingredients

Currently, trans4orm is one of the most complete fat burners in the health and fitness industry. It carries a combination of fat burners to raise the body’s metabolic processes (burning energy). The results include impairment of fat absorption by the body, increase weight loss and increase fat oxidation during exercise routines.

These supplements carry with them a number of ingredients that raises metabolism and has the most number that improves the metabolism of fats. Included in the combination are well-known ingredients like caffeine, L-carnitine, green tea, yohimbe, and more.


The main work of metabolic processing (the time when the body burns calories to produce heat) is called thermogenesis. These substances induce thermogenesis in the body and include exercise, diet, and temperature of the environment around.

The thermogenic process promotes weight loss because it raises the burning of the body’s calories. (Thermogenesis does help burn more calories although diets and physical activity produces the same results.)


In another process, lipolysis is the breakdown of lipids (fats) and involves hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids. In the process, the free fatty acids are released into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body.

Basically, lipolysis can be defined as the process in the body of breaking down stored triglycerides (or triglycerides in the blood for food we've just eaten), into two main components, glycerol and fatty acids.

The fat burners in these nutritional supplement acts as the last ammunition in the fight against fat. Diet helps in fat burning and is rated around 70% to 80%, while exercise is rated around 10 to 20% of fat burning. The nutritional supplement supplies the rest.

Green tea

On the list of fat burners, green tea tops them all, coming from an organic herb.  The herb has the natural ability in helping the body in losing fat, with its active ingredient catechins.

Catechins are natural anti-oxidants that have been discovered to help in the body lose abdominal fat and improve triglyceride levels. Also carrying polyphenols that help increase the liver’s ability to process fat, the green tea extract is an excellent natural option in boosting the body’s metabolism.


Among the caffeine’s other qualities, included are its ability to improve strength, improving muscle endurance and anaerobic performance while accelerating fat loss. 

The fat loss is triggered by the increase of the amount of catecholamine in the blood which mobilizes fat stores to be oxidized. In the oxidation process, the body’s metabolic rate increases which burn the amount of energy at rest.

Consequently, the more energy burned, the more body fat is lost, which makes caffeine another effective fat burner.


This is the amino acid in the body which is used in the creation of adrenalin and noradrenalin, while creating dopamine as well.  The body makes tyrosine the make the thyroid hormones which are essential to metabolism.

When adrenalin and noradrenalin get raised, the heart rate and the body temperature also increase, using big much calorie counts. (It also reduces appetite.) These are the top ingredients of trans4orm that helps burn body fats.

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