Friday, March 15, 2019

Trans4orm – Burning Fat

With all the hype and the noise regarding fat loss and other weight-related trending items and those in the news, experts have all concluded that the best weight-loss program consists of only two factors. These would be the right exercise and proper diet. To add some zip, the fat-burner supplement Trans4orm could be included.

One of the best among the lot, this supplement carries some of the most potent fat-burning ingredients in its mix, plus some more. It has caffeine, green tea extracts, yohimbin, L-tyrosine, coleus extract, alpha choline, biopherine, hupperzia extracts and the vitamin B complex (B3 / B6 / B12 / folic acid).


These elements are usually combined in the supplements to burn away fat produced in the thermogenic processes in the body. Basically, this is simply inducing a slight increase in the metabolism of the body for some few hours after taking them. (Thermogenic substances are the most common – and tested – types of weight loss elements in current use.)

These elements work together in having the body’s metabolic processes raised for sometime. With the raised metabolism, the body then burns more calories even when it is inactive. (Not all fat-burning substances in supplements are necessarily thermogenic, though.)

In another way, these substances also affect the body’s fat metabolism when they limit the amount of fat that gets absorbed into the body. (This is different from the process where the fat is burned away.)

Green tea

One of the more known fat-burner is taken from the green tea (camellia senensis). The extracts from the tea contains compounds like regular catechins and ECCG, another form of catechin. These catechins produce the thermogenic effect on the body.

Studies have shown that men ingesting the active catechins in the tea have significantly reduced their total fat areas, including waistlines. Caffeine also makes it more effective.


Caffeine also works in helping burn fats, and in athletes, help in doing more work for longer periods in the gym floor and in other sports. For more effective results, it works best when combined with the others.

For individuals who still have their food cravings after an exercise routine, caffeine is also known as a potent appetite suppressant. Likewise, it is known to boost energy, metabolism, mental focus, and supports natural appetite while burning fat.  (Coleus extract is known to be effective when combined with caffeine.)


There are several substances that are included in the mix. The alpha choline supports mental activity and focus while the yohimbin works on weight management in a fasted state. The biopherine increase the potency of the other extracts.

One key amino acid, L-tyrosine, helps in the metabolism and levels of energy and moods. It helps overcome fatigue usually during fasting.

Hupperzia supports mental focus while the B complex vitamins (B3 / B6 / B12 / folic acid) promote the production of cells and supports the metabolism levels in the body.

Trans4orm as your fat burning supplement can certainly aid in shedding those unwanted fat in your body without the attendant risks (some have elements that are not exactly for everyone) and compromising your health.

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