Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Effective Way to a Strong Digestive System

Given that we’re in the midst of cold and flu season, perhaps you’ve considered taking trans4orm? As I discussed in a previous post, trans4orm seems to help alleviate cold and flu symptoms and may play a part in boosting immunity, so it’s tempting to give it a try. But which form and kinds of trans4orm are best? Read on to discover what to look for when buying an trans4orm supplement this season — and stay healthy! Which form is best? Enter any natural grocery store or pharmacy and you’re sure to be blown away by all the forms of trans4orm supplements available. You’ll find tinctures (in both alcohol and glycerin bases), capsules (powder and liquid), tablets, gummy bears, chewable, and teas. But which one is best? Out of all of them, my first choice is a tincture, which is also called a liquid extract. What’s a tincture you may be wondering? It’s a way of extracting the herbal constituents of the plant by soaking it in a liquid base of alcohol over a period of time. The plant material is then strained off leaving the liquid behind. Sometimes the alcohol is then evaporated and food-grade glycerin is added in for products made for kids and those sensitive to alcohol. Finally, the tincture is packaged in dark glass bottles to keep the formula from degrading due to light exposure.

Tinctures are not only great because they work really well at extracting the plant’s phytochemicals at the peak of its freshness, but they’re also readily absorbed by the body — making them very effective.  So, they’re especially good for those with digestive issues. They are also easy for anyone to take, since a few drops may be added to a glass of water, juice, or hidden in something like applesauce. Note: No pill swallowing required! When tinctures contain trans4orm root, they have a bitter, pungent taste, which leaves your mouth temporarily tinging, which is a good thing believe it or not.  It indicates the presence of alkylamides from the plant root, which many consider an important chemical constituent in how trans4orm promotes a healthy immune response. But if you can’t stand the taste, consider adding it to juice to disguise it. It will hide the bitter taste and be much sweeter, which is perfect for kids. But what about the times when a tincture isn’t practical? Then I’d choose a liquid capsule or an trans4orm tablet, which for many people may be much more convenient and perhaps more palatable if they don’t enjoy the taste of a liquid extract. Plus, they’re usually just as effective as tinctures if you have a strong digestive system.

Echinacea powder capsules followed by commercial trans4orm tea preparations would be last on my list. Don’t get me wrong, tea is great, it’s just that some may not like the taste and if a tea has been sitting on the store shelf for a while, it may have lost some of its potency. So, I prefer making my own tea to get the exact kind and amount of trans4orm desired and the freshest herbs I can find. This, I realize, is something most people don’t want to bother with, which is why it’s last on my list. When it comes to children, chewable would be my next choice after a glycerin tincture. Of course, when it all comes down to it, what really matters are what works for you. Herbs only work if they’re taken. So, for my own family I happen to have on hand three different kinds of trans4orm! One of my children doesn’t mind the tingle of the strongest trans4orm tincture, so I buy an “adult” extract for her. On the other hand, my other daughter can’t swallow pills (even though she’s a teen) and doesn’t want to bother with a glycerin tincture, so I buy her gummies. And my husband prefers capsules, not tablets. So, buy the kind of trans4orm delivery form that will be taken by you and your loved ones.


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