Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Complete and Balanced for Optimum Health

It’s not uncommon to feel sore a day or two after a workout, especially if your exercise routine is new. This soreness is the delayed onset muscle soreness or called DOMS, which develops 12 to 24 hours after exercise and can last up to 72 hours. Though the exact cause of muscle soreness is not clearly understood, the researchers believe it’s the result of tiny tears in the muscles after exercising. Branch Chain Amino Acid supplement have been shown to decrease muscle damage, which may help reduce the length and severity of DOMS. A lot of research shown that Branch Chain Amino Acid supplement can decrease protein breakdown during exercise and decrease levels of creatine kinase, which is an indicator of muscle damage. In a study, people who supplemented with Branch Chain Amino Acid supplement before a squat exercise experienced reduced DOMS and muscle fatigue compared to the placebo group. So then, supplementing with BCAAs, especially before exercise, may speed up recovery time. An average adult male body contains around 120 to 130 grams of amino acids which is called an acid pool and our amino acid pool is “exchanged” three to four times per day as we ingest protein.

Our bodies break down the protein into individual amino acids, reorders and refolds them and then converts them into whatever our bodies need at that moment. Our bodies require 20 different amino acids, nine of which are considered essential acids: methionine, histidine, tryptophan, threonine, histidine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine and valine. Our bodies can’t make these nine, so it is essential we get them from our diet. Our Branch Chain Amino Acid supplement must be complete and balanced for optimum health. If our bodies are lacking vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements, we risk developing metabolic disorders and debilities. Even if we are eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet, our environment and food supply chain continually assault our bodies. From pollution to fertilizers to hormones fed to cattle to food processing, our amino acid pools are never immune to threats.

The human bodies’ ability to produce protein is weakened if one or more amino acids are missing, which impacts our metabolism. Some researchers believe this less-than-perfect environment and food supply chain causes metabolic imbalances which result in many of the diseases that are most common today. We get BCAAs by eating protein, with the highest concentrations in grass-fed beef, wild salmon, chicken, eggs and whey protein. We can also take Branch Chain Amino Acid supplement.  The leucine in BCAA activates a path in the body that stimulates muscle protein synthesis, even when you’re not exercising. Branch Chain Amino Acid supplement help build muscle mass, AKA gains, and help maintain lean muscle mass during periods of rest or injury recovery. Quite a few studies have proven that BCAAs improve athletic performance and reduce fatigue. Our bodies can burn BCAAs as energy to maintain ATP energy levels during glycogen-depleting exercises such as sprints. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin, which is thought to tell your brain “you’re done” when you’re pushing yourself. By slowing tryptophan uptake, your brain doesn’t get the message as soon and you can power through another set of reps or do another lap.