Friday, August 24, 2018

Creating Food Fuel to the Muscles

When it comes to eating for nutrition, when you eat is almost as important as what you eat. Tracking your pre-workout nutrition is crucial if you spend two hours sweating in the gym. In general, you don’t need to eat or drink something for your pre-workout nutrition, but if you feel drained during your training it can make the difference between just finishing your set or pushing that extra rep or 2 in.  So, what are the best food options for before the gym for pre-workout nutrition? In the final 30-60 minutes before exercise, top off the body’s fuel tank with an additional 8 ounces of fluid and an easily digestible (low to moderate fiber) snack that is high in simple carbohydrates. This will help bolster energy levels and prevent blood sugar levels from dipping too low and causing a “crash”. Consuming fluid with a carbohydrate-rich food also speeds up fuel transport to the muscles. About 30 minutes before your gym hit you should eat a light snack consisting of carbs and protein. You want to keep your food intake light before the gym with an emphasis on carbs over protein.

Protein isn’t going to be an energy source for your workout, whereas it works to help recovery. When we exercise, we create small tears in our muscle fibers. Protein helps those muscles heal and grow stronger. Carbs, however, will be the energy source for your workout. Before a workout, you should eat simple carbohydrates, because they are digested fast and provide quick energy. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies to achieve pre-workout nutrition before working out– Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and full of nutrients and fiber. Featuring more fruits and vegetables also helps you to avoid eating foods that are high in fats. Choose fruits and vegetables that are fresh or frozen, if buying canned products, you should choose low-sodium vegetables and fruits that are pack in juice, not syrup. Deep fried vegetables are not a healthy choice. To avoid this steer clear of dairy and high-fat or high-fiber foods, all of which can upset your stomach, slow down the absorption of carbs, and leave you feeling sluggish.

Also keep in mind carbohydrates are good, but you should not get them from raw sugar or candy. These foods can cause a sugar rush, and what comes up, must come down so the dreaded crash will follow. Some great options for pre-workout nutrition before the gym include fruits, oats and yogurt. Fruits such as bananas are great for before the gym. Oats are full of fiber but not so much so that you are gassy throughout your workout. Oats also contain B vitamins, which help convert carbohydrates into energy. Fruit in general is high in carbohydrates and Greek yogurt is packed with high-quality protein. Now if you are someone who would rather not workout after eating but still need a kick of energy, there are even more options for you. Generally, it’s a good idea to eat within half an hour of hitting the gym, and again before an hour has passed since the end of your workout.

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