Monday, June 25, 2018

Pre-Workout Supplements – Immediate Nutrients Replenishment

Food from natural sources takes its natural time to be dissolved and absorbed by the body before the nutrients can be used.  For fitness buffs, body builders who are into their intense workouts, these natural processes are not sufficient. All in all, they need three sets of supplements before, during and after their workouts, the most important of which are the pre-workout supplements.

Body abs is built in the kitchen, not in the gym floor, so the experts say. Research also indicates that what you eat before, during, and after your workouts can mean meeting your exercise goals or falling short.

The following are the important nutrition you need to take before workout, taken either as pre-workout supplements or through natural food preparations.


For newcomers, carbohydrates for use in workouts bring in more questions than any other nutrients. The big questions include whether they make people fat. (They do, if you are not exercising and burning them away.)

As things are, carbohydrates are the body’s preferred fuel source. As a fitness buff, you will make sure every gram of carbohydrates you consumed will be used as immediate fuel source. Or, at least to restore glycogen level lost in the gym floor.

Do not eat more carbs more than you need and you can spread the eating evenly throughout the day.  Eat the majority of it just before your workout. Take them a couple of hours for the carbs to be digested and ensure your blood sugar and glycogen levels are up.

Fast-Absorbing Proteins

Research has also indicated that whey protein intake before the high-intensity fitness routine can give better results than other protein sources so far. Experts say this is due to the anti-catabolic and anabolic signaling effects of the BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) in the whey protein, specifically leucine. Whey has higher BCAAs than the other sources.

Proteins and amino acids spare the carbs. Many thin that when the body runs out of carbs, it switches to fatty acids for fuels. This is slow compared to amino acids rapidly broken down and converted to sugar (gluconeogenesis).

Creatine monohydrate

The body has three methods in developing its ultimate energy source, ATP. This depends on the intensity of the activity. For very intense ones (like weightlifting, for instance) the body uses creatine phosphates to produce energy.

Supplements can give greater energy source when training intensely. You can also use creatine after even anytime of the day.

Beta alanine

Beta alanine basically helps conserve muscular energy. In exercise, the main causes of fatigue are intramuscular acidosis. When the body produces ATP using the glycolytic and phospagen systems, the resulting metabolic product is excess hydrogen ions.

When these ions are not cleared fast enough, they can produce lactic acid, the pain you feel when extremely tired. With elevated levels of lactic acid, performance, coordination and skills are hindered and impaired.

Aside from decreasing hydrogen ions, it also acts as anti-oxidant.

Basically, these are the more important nutrients needed in pre-workout supplements to help replenish the nutrients lost in your workout. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

BCAA Supplements – Supplying Essential Amino Acids

In scientific terms, BCCAs (branched-chain amino acids that include leucine, isoleucine, and valine) promote protein metabolism, including the synthesis of albumin and glycogen. They reduce oxidative stress by inducing the activation of genes involved in anti-oxidative defenses. All of these can be had with BCCA supplements.

In laymen’s terms, BCCAs are popular in the body-building community for decades although in recent years they had become popular among the wider athletic population. These three-branched-chain amino acids are essential amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the body and have to be obtained from outside sources.

Additionally, BCAA supplements are unique because the can be metabolized in skeletal muscles while the other essential amino acids are metabolized in the liver.


They have been known for their benefit performance in many ways, including the work as a stimulant for muscle synthesis via leucine. They have been also known to prevent muscle protein breakdown and reduce muscle damage.

BCCAs are also known to have the potential of acting as a fuel source for muscles during exercise routines, although more research on this is ongoing. Effectively, it reduces the synthesis of serotonin, the source of the fatigue feeling during strenuous fitness routines.


Some people have low dietary protein intake. BCCA supplementation can promote the muscle protein synthesis for them. Also, the amino acids can increase muscle growth. For novice athletes, the supplementation can also be used to prevent fatigue induced by the intense activity in body-building exercises.

The amino acid Leucine plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis. Meantime, isoleucine is the amino acid that induces glucose uptake into cells. Valine’s role in a BCAA supplement has yet to be determined further in research.

Serum decline prevention

The supplementation of BCCAs also prevents a serum decline in BCCAs which occurs during the exercise proper. A serum decline would normally cause tryptophan to flow into the brain. This would cause the production of serotonin, the main substance that causes fatigue.

This is beneficial to athletes who would want to have their muscle protein synthesis and minimize muscle protein breakdown without a substantial calorie loading.


BCCA helps one get a more intense workout in the sense that it competes with the amino acid tryptophan in entering the brain. Tryptophan converts into serotonin. While exercising, the serotonin level is raised and makes you feel more fatigued, thus suppressing the urge to try harder.

With the reduction of the amount tryptophan in the blood-brain barrier, the BCCA effectively reduces the amount of serotonin produced. Consequently, you will then be able to try harder and longer in your exercise.

Likewise, BCCA regulates glucose that helps maintain blood sugar levels in the body. Amino acids in the body improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity in healthy people.

Continuously released from the liver to the skeletal muscles, glucose helps maintain blood sugar levels. Amino acids in the body help improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity in healthy people.

During workouts, BCAA supplements can immediately supply the amino acids needed in the blood sugar production, an important factor to those on calorie-restricted diets.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Pre-Workout Supplement Online – Choosing the Best

People who are working at gyms for their daily dose of maintaining their fitness cannot have their fitness last long without the correct diet and nutrients. The nutrients taken in before the workouts (pre-workout) are needed to boost the workout routine. They used to be hard to come by before but these days pre-workout supplement online are numerous and easier to obtain.

Because they have been proven their health worth, pre-workout powders have become popular among the gym-going crowd due basically to their nutrient structures and their effectiveness.


These energy supplements come in protein powder form and are available in different flavors that you can choose from: lemon, pineapple, orange, watermelon, strawberry, and more.

Other energy supplements are also available in capsule forms. These protein powders cater mainly to the primary different forms of nutritional requirements. These include Creatine, BCAA, and caffeine.

Most of these products constitute a proportionate combination of all the required pre-workout nutrients.  The main reason is that it is necessary to build up energy in the body before a workout. This will ensure a much stronger and energetic workout. With it, the efficiency of the workout is retained.


The pre-workout protein powders comprise many ingredients that will aid the user to build energy and endurance primarily. The protein ingredient increases their strength to undergo a longer workout routine with out being exhausted. Due to the rigorous nature of the workout, their body fat is burned quickly. 

In most pre-workout nutritional powders, caffeine is also present. The substance provides the strength and the energy boost especially in short workouts. It is works the same in longer endurance testing routines.

The basic amino acid Creatine is also present in these supplements. It acts as the energy-providing molecule because of its resemblance to ATP, the actual energy molecules. It works by accumulating all the energy-providing molecules in the muscle so that in the workouts, the muscle can easily get energy and does not undergo any damage.

Lastly, the BCAA (branch chain amino acids) helps in making proteins within the body. This is for the energy boost during the workout. Energy powders have these nutrients in order that the workout routine achieves maximum efficiency.

Some tips

Check out a number of independent, 3rd party supplement certification services or product testing services to uncover the good from the bad supplements. These companies tested some 3,400 products from different brands for quality, amounts of ingredients claimed, purity and the product’s ability to properly break apart so it can be used by the body.  

Identify the quality brands and stick with it. No one has the time to look up the rating of every supplement the want to buy. However, learn the brands that earn consistent good ratings and make it your regular purchases.

Finally, don’t buy the cheapest or the most expensive pre-workout supplement online. They don’t have to be expensive to be high in quality and effectiveness. On the other end of the pole, if a brand is around 40% cheaper than all the rest, there’s a reason to avoid them. Some cheap ones have ingredients that are hard for the body to absorb.