Monday, January 15, 2018

Cutting Diet

Post workout supplements are the most factors to take for maximum gains. Here, it focuses on the basics such as protein and carbs, the two most critical nutrients of your post-workout meals. On training days you will want to consume about 1 gram of carbohydrates per 1 lb of bodyweight. Your protein intake will be essential if you want to maintain all of your lean muscle mass while following this cutting diet. A good rule of thumb is that you want to consume between 1-1.25 grams of protein per 1 lb of body weight. If you are a naturally skinny guy you may want to keep this number closer to 1.25 per 1 lb of bodyweight. Your protein intake should be spread throughout the day as you typically don’t’ want to consume more than 40-50 grams of protein per meal. You want your body to be able to absorb and utilize your protein intake so too much at 1 sitting becomes overkill.

You want to make sure you are keeping your fat intake very low during your high carbohydrate meals. This is because insulin serves as a nutrient activator – so when you are consuming your high carbohydrate meals around your workouts you should keep your fat intake at a minimum. Low Insulin Levels for long Periods of Time is the key to burning fat. Obviously we are consuming carbohydrates around our workouts – but for the rest of the day we want to consume mostly healthy fats and lean proteins. This is the winning combination so you are able to keep your lean muscle mass and burn fat expeditiously. You can load up on veggies during these meals as they have a very minimal impact on insulin levels. A typical meal during these low insulin meals will be a lean protein such as chicken or fish topped with avocado and a spinach salad with light olive oil. This would be an ideal meal that would feed your body everything it needs to maintain lean muscle mass and boost anabolic hormones while keeping insulin at bay!

Perfect post workout supplements are a great way to speed up your muscle sparing and building during this ultimate cutting diet. Keep in mind that insulin is highly anabolic following a workout – so after consuming a post workout recovery supplement, we want to consume a shake that consists of a rapid digesting protein source such as whey isolate and a rapid digesting carbohydrate source such as maltodextrin or dextrose. A 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein is ideal. For a 200 lb male a shake consisting of 60 grams of carbs to 30 grams of protein would be perfect for recovery!

As long as you consume a good pre-workout meal about 1.5-2 hours prior to your training session followed by a post workout meal of high quality protein/carbs within a couple hours of your workout, you’re good to go. This combination will provide your body with a sufficient stream of amino acids, sugars and micronutrients to maximize muscle recovery and growth. You can continue to obsess about nitty-gritty details beyond this, but the only thing it’s likely going to do is unnecessarily over-complicate your nutrition plan.

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