Monday, January 29, 2018

The Great Benefits of a Pre Workout Supplement

There is some plausible physiological evidence that intake of caffeine can help you lose weight faster when taken in controlled amounts. And this stems from the fact that one of the known after-effects of caffeine is an increased metabolism rate to rail in one’s focus. And as a consequence, the enhanced rate of metabolism means more calories per unit time. If this is paired with strenuous and intense physical activity, the result is a lean, shredded frame in just under a couple of months. Since a pre workout supplement cumulatively strengthens and protect one’s muscles, they also, in turn, increase your capacity to burn fat and calories both when working out and at rest.  A pre workout supplement is quite beneficial to the regular trainer and professional body builders they have also been linked to the following potential drawbacks. The pros do tend to outweigh the cons, as they are usually not experienced with natural pre workout supplements.

As the name suggests, pre workouts supplements are taken before an exercise session. They are a class of supplements designed to enhance your results in the gym, on the sports field or even at work. A pre workout supplement improve the athletic ability and help you perform better, whether you’re hitting the gym for some weight training, or you’re off on a long run.
The nutrients of a pre workout supplement focus on both physical and mental aspects of exercise, and have the primary aim of:
·         Enhancing focus and motivation
·         Increasing blood flow and muscle pump
·         Boosting energy, stamina and endurance
·         Increasing strength, power and force development

Pre-workout energy drinks are not required. But the plant extracts they contain elicit an “energy boost” response in your body.

People usually consume immediate pre-workout nutrition within an hour before exercise, often only 15-30 minutes beforehand. Depending on the nature of my workout, you might also eat more fruit during my workout and drink more during your workout that provides additional calories, sugars, hydration and overall energy. A special component of a pre workout supplement, creatine monohydrate, is well-known for essentially shuttling water into the skeletal muscles, which results to muscle cell volumization.

If you’re headed to a weight training workout, or sports match or competition, keep a banana, apple, orange or bag of dates with you for continued nutrition throughout your exercise. It won’t feel heavy in your stomach but will actually help continue to fuel your body throughout the exercise. Another important thing to remember is make sure to always do your cardio after your weight training workout. You want to maximize all of your carbs (glycogen) during resistance training and then leave your fat stores ready to attack once you hit your cardio session after lifting weights. Along with your pre-workout meal, the meal after your workout is also extremely important. Enhanced mental focus is closely linked to increased stamina. You’re far much more likely to endure the painful aches and sores of an intense workout stint after taking a pre workout supplement than when not using one.

A pre workout supplement can help an athlete to train harder, which in the end results to muscle mass gain. They also lead to the creation of an anabolic environment which is known to be conducive when it comes to muscle hypertrophy.

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Uses of BCAAs

BCAA supplement takes their role in muscle building one step further. Research has shown that BCAA supplement and particularly leucine, increase muscle growth by directly stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Leucine acts almost like a key that signals the body to begin stringing amino acids together to create muscle protein. BCAA supplements are often taken by weight lifters in order to speed up recovery from strength training and stimulate more muscle building. The problem is though that branched-chain amino acids don’t work that well and you don’t need them. It’s completely true that BCAA supplement stimulates the metabolic pathways that boost muscle mass. This can’t be disputed.

In some studies, there’s no evidence that supplementing above the level of a normal diet will provide any benefits. The BCAA benefits for muscle recovery are also well known. Supplementing with BCAAs may help to significantly decrease post exercise muscle soreness and increase muscle recovery by helping to repair muscle tissue faster.  Greater muscle recovery means you can train more frequently and harder resulting in bigger muscle gains. Now you know the BCAA benefits for building muscles, experts recommend that using BCAAs that contains the Branched Chain Amino Acids L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine & L-Valine in an optimum muscle building.

BCAA supplementation has shown positive results in nearly all clinical studies. Having said that, these studies are limited by several factors:
  • BCAA supplement is present in dietary protein, which means that you can obtain them from food or protein supplements without having to take isolated BCAAs
  • Most studies do not control for caloric and protein intake in particular, which means that the positive effects of BCAAs are simply the result of not getting enough calories/protein
Recently studies have generated much excitement about the potential use of BCAAs in the treatment of type II diabetes or metabolic symptom.  Both of these conditions are characterised by insulin resistance, which leads to a disruption of the essential blood glycaemic balance. Controlling the levels of glucose in the blood, one of the main functions of insulin, is crucial to good health. Insulin affects not only carbohydrate metabolism, but also protein and lipid metabolism. Many studies have shown that branched chain amino acids, especially leucine, cause insulin to be released from the pancreas. BCAAs have been repeatedly shown to have a stabilising effect on the levels of glucose in blood.

Although leucine seems to play an especially important role in mediating the health benefits of BCAA, taking leucine in isolation is not the most effective way of supplementing branched chain amino acids. Research has shown that isoleucine and valine also play important roles and that the most effective supplements have a 2:1:1 ratio of leucine to the other BCAA.

In addition to boosting muscle growth, BCAAs can decrease the muscle damage and soreness associated with intense exercise. Less damage means an athlete will recovery rapidly and get out on the court, field or in the gym sooner instead of sitting on their couch, legs propped up.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Cutting Diet

Post workout supplements are the most factors to take for maximum gains. Here, it focuses on the basics such as protein and carbs, the two most critical nutrients of your post-workout meals. On training days you will want to consume about 1 gram of carbohydrates per 1 lb of bodyweight. Your protein intake will be essential if you want to maintain all of your lean muscle mass while following this cutting diet. A good rule of thumb is that you want to consume between 1-1.25 grams of protein per 1 lb of body weight. If you are a naturally skinny guy you may want to keep this number closer to 1.25 per 1 lb of bodyweight. Your protein intake should be spread throughout the day as you typically don’t’ want to consume more than 40-50 grams of protein per meal. You want your body to be able to absorb and utilize your protein intake so too much at 1 sitting becomes overkill.

You want to make sure you are keeping your fat intake very low during your high carbohydrate meals. This is because insulin serves as a nutrient activator – so when you are consuming your high carbohydrate meals around your workouts you should keep your fat intake at a minimum. Low Insulin Levels for long Periods of Time is the key to burning fat. Obviously we are consuming carbohydrates around our workouts – but for the rest of the day we want to consume mostly healthy fats and lean proteins. This is the winning combination so you are able to keep your lean muscle mass and burn fat expeditiously. You can load up on veggies during these meals as they have a very minimal impact on insulin levels. A typical meal during these low insulin meals will be a lean protein such as chicken or fish topped with avocado and a spinach salad with light olive oil. This would be an ideal meal that would feed your body everything it needs to maintain lean muscle mass and boost anabolic hormones while keeping insulin at bay!

Perfect post workout supplements are a great way to speed up your muscle sparing and building during this ultimate cutting diet. Keep in mind that insulin is highly anabolic following a workout – so after consuming a post workout recovery supplement, we want to consume a shake that consists of a rapid digesting protein source such as whey isolate and a rapid digesting carbohydrate source such as maltodextrin or dextrose. A 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein is ideal. For a 200 lb male a shake consisting of 60 grams of carbs to 30 grams of protein would be perfect for recovery!

As long as you consume a good pre-workout meal about 1.5-2 hours prior to your training session followed by a post workout meal of high quality protein/carbs within a couple hours of your workout, you’re good to go. This combination will provide your body with a sufficient stream of amino acids, sugars and micronutrients to maximize muscle recovery and growth. You can continue to obsess about nitty-gritty details beyond this, but the only thing it’s likely going to do is unnecessarily over-complicate your nutrition plan.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Why Nutrition Is Needed For Workout

Proper pre workout nutrition and fuelling your body before your bodybuilding sessions will improve your workout performance and maximize your program’s results. By eating a healthy, well-considered meal 1-2 hours before exercise and another healthy, well-considered meal within 1-2 hours after exercise, most people can meet their workout nutrition needs without anything else. An effective pre-workout meal does not need to contain anything complicated or fancy. A basic combination of high quality protein and carbohydrates will easily get the job done. The protein will provide your body with the amino acids needed to facilitate recovery and growth following the session, while the carbohydrates will provide your muscles and brain with the energy needed to optimize performance.

Breakfast is a must whether you workout or not. If you are planning a workout then have a small breakfast 2 hours before as it will keep your blood sugar levels high during workout. Else your blood sugar levels will drop you will feel tires and sleepy. An egg, rice cake or a high protein toast with banana and low fat milk can be an ideal pre workout breakfast. For afternoon workout consider eating a protein and carbohydrates rich meal. If you are planning to work out in the evening then balanced carb and protein meal is best. Just make sure you chow about 30 minutes before if you have not eaten something recently. If you want to instantly boost your energy then drink a cup of coffee 30 minutes before workout. Eat large quantities of these carbohydrate foods, supplemented with protein and fats for a more complete meal. Then as you get closer, say around 3pm, take in more nutrition, something a little smaller and less heavy such as a protein bar, a salad and others. Pre workout nutrition should contain roughly 30 grams of protein and 30 grams of carbohydrates give or take a bit of each.

Your pre workout nutrition should be quite light and low in calories, a meal containing 30 grams of carbohydrates and 30 grams of protein as stated above will contain 240 calories. To optimize your performance, you need to eat. Research has established that carbohydrate intake during exercise delays the onset of fatigue and improves endurance exercise performance. This happens because carbs enhance the availability of blood glucose to active muscle. Roughly 65 percent of the energy in your pre-workout meal should come from carbs, but choose low-Glycemic carbs like oatmeal, veggies or sweet potatoes instead of simple sugars or candy to avoid wild fluctuations in your blood-sugar levels. Protein is the next important nutrient to consider to your pre workout nutrition in order to decrease muscle breakdown during and after your workout. Fat takes the longest to digest, so a pre-workout meal should be relatively low in fat.

In terms of carbohydrates in your pre workout nutrition different people respond differently to simple carbohydrates (sugars) and complex carbohydrates experiment with these and find out what works best for you.

The pre workout nutrition that you eat before your bodybuilding workout should primarily include a significant amount of complex carbohydrates. If you’re interested in improving your muscle mass, your meal should also include some protein. Do not eat foods high in fat before you workout, as they take a significantly longer time to digest. Drink some fluids during your pre-workout meal to ensure that you’re appropriately hydrated.