Friday, March 29, 2019

Trans4orm – Thermogenic Ingredients Plus

Amidst the furious lifestyles of most everyone in the world today, there is also a silent epidemic that’s creeping onto everyone’s health: being fat.  This is most noticeable in developed countries but also on the rise among the developing countries in the world. This is time enough for them to have Trans4orm.

For the record, the surest way and the most effective method of losing weight is nothing more than a proper diet and a strict exercise routine. However, cutting back on calories and other food sources that are fattening may create nutritional deficits for the body. 

Fat burners Trans4orm, as they are sometimes called, can help dieters do more. They can help lose weight with the increase of the body’s metabolic rates, raise the levels of fat-burning hormones, mobilize stored fats and curb one’s appetite.

Caffeine’s primary work is helping stimulate the metabolism of the body. This important work releases more of the body’s fat for use as energy. By burning more fat, this in turn will spare the carbohydrates of the body and help enhance the body’s endurance during exercise.

This action also helps the enhancing effects of fat-burning substances like the green tea, for instance. With the right ingestion of these components (as they are part of the supplement in correct proportions) the body’s metabolism rises throughout the whole day. (They are best consumed in the mornings or in workout times.)


Among the other important ingredients, these top two components of the nutrition supplement can increase the body’s metabolism, with more burning of calories even when the body is at rest or inactive, all because they are thermogenic. (This is the ability to increase the body’s metabolic process.)

Along the way, they help by limiting the amount of fat that gets absorbed by the body rather than having it burned quickly. Some of the supplement’s other ingredients, though not working as thermogenic substances, are also important because of their own functions.


Among the listed elements comprising these nutritional supplements, both the green tea and caffeine have the most supportive evidence in studies and reports. For one, caffeine also has the dual benefit of raising metabolism while suppressing the body’s own cravings for food.

The same report also confirmed that the benefits from the green tea are most likely due to the combination of beneficial substances catechins and caffeine. These two have the same effects on the body by increasing the metabolism and making it so that the person has lesser appetite to begin with.

When combined, catechins and caffeine may have some synergistic effects by providing more benefits for weight loss than either one of these two substances consumed separately.

Weight loss

In the process of losing weight, one needs to create a calorie deficit of around 3,500 calories per pound of weight loss. This means eating less and exercising more. The deficit could work out to about 1,000 calories per day which can produce a weight loss or one to two pounds per week.

The hard part of eating less and exercising more is reduced with Trans4orm while at the same time achieving the same aims.

Trans4orm – Helping Weight Loss Programs

These days, to lose weight is one of the hardest illnesses (many experts already classify it as such) to get rid of. One of the difficulties is that facing it can be life-threatening, especially if they are mixed with some mental difficulties as well. Trans4orm, one of the today’s successful fat-burning nutritional supplements leads the way in the fight.

Bringing with it some of the best-known and effective fat-burners known to science, the supplement helps the body lose fat (and consequently weight) with the simple but effective increase in the body’s metabolism (called thermogenesis).  With it, the levels of fat-burning hormones are raised.

This increase in metabolism mobilizes the stored fats in the body while at the same time helps in curving one’s appetite. The big reason is that the components of the supplement include some very effective fat burners in nature.

Caffeine / green tea

One of the proven substances to work on fat-burning is caffeine. It stimulates the body’s metabolism by raising it. The work releases more of the body’s fat as energy byway of burning them. The burning away of the fats relieves the carbohydrates and are used instead in the sustenance for more endurance in exercise routines.

In tandem with caffeine is the formidable green tea extracts. It helps enhance the fat-burning effects in the body. With the right consumption, both of these substances raises the body’s metabolism high enough to burn the fats away rather than stored.

Thermogenic properties

Both the green tea extract and the caffeine both have thermogenic abilities, the capability of raising the metabolism to a level that burns fat molecules and this works even if the person is inactive. The other ingredients in the nutritional supplement have other tasks as well even if they don’t have thermogenic abilities.

These non-thermogenic elements contribute to doing away the fats from the body by way of limiting the body’s capacity of absorbing the fats instead of burning them. The others have qualities that enhance the focus of the person trying to lose weight.


The top ingredients of green tea and caffeine in the fat-burning supplement have the most supporting scientific proof of their effects on the body. Caffeine also has the dual role of raising metabolism as well as suppressing (or curving) one’s appetite.

Both the caffeine and the catechins in the green tea work in tandem by providing more benefits for weight loss. When consumed separately, the effects are not as pronounced.

Weight loss program

During the weight loss program, one needs to create a caloric deficit of approximately 3,500 calories per pound of weight loss. This means one needs to eat less and exercise more. The combination could count up to 1,000 calories per day which could result in a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week.

The amount might seem to insignificant and low, however4 it accumulates in time with diligence.  When one is dieting, care needs to be taken with enough personal resolve or things go down the drain with a few eating binges. Trans4orm can help.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Trans4orm – Top Ingredients

Currently, trans4orm is one of the most complete fat burners in the health and fitness industry. It carries a combination of fat burners to raise the body’s metabolic processes (burning energy). The results include impairment of fat absorption by the body, increase weight loss and increase fat oxidation during exercise routines.

These supplements carry with them a number of ingredients that raises metabolism and has the most number that improves the metabolism of fats. Included in the combination are well-known ingredients like caffeine, L-carnitine, green tea, yohimbe, and more.


The main work of metabolic processing (the time when the body burns calories to produce heat) is called thermogenesis. These substances induce thermogenesis in the body and include exercise, diet, and temperature of the environment around.

The thermogenic process promotes weight loss because it raises the burning of the body’s calories. (Thermogenesis does help burn more calories although diets and physical activity produces the same results.)


In another process, lipolysis is the breakdown of lipids (fats) and involves hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids. In the process, the free fatty acids are released into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body.

Basically, lipolysis can be defined as the process in the body of breaking down stored triglycerides (or triglycerides in the blood for food we've just eaten), into two main components, glycerol and fatty acids.

The fat burners in these nutritional supplement acts as the last ammunition in the fight against fat. Diet helps in fat burning and is rated around 70% to 80%, while exercise is rated around 10 to 20% of fat burning. The nutritional supplement supplies the rest.

Green tea

On the list of fat burners, green tea tops them all, coming from an organic herb.  The herb has the natural ability in helping the body in losing fat, with its active ingredient catechins.

Catechins are natural anti-oxidants that have been discovered to help in the body lose abdominal fat and improve triglyceride levels. Also carrying polyphenols that help increase the liver’s ability to process fat, the green tea extract is an excellent natural option in boosting the body’s metabolism.


Among the caffeine’s other qualities, included are its ability to improve strength, improving muscle endurance and anaerobic performance while accelerating fat loss. 

The fat loss is triggered by the increase of the amount of catecholamine in the blood which mobilizes fat stores to be oxidized. In the oxidation process, the body’s metabolic rate increases which burn the amount of energy at rest.

Consequently, the more energy burned, the more body fat is lost, which makes caffeine another effective fat burner.


This is the amino acid in the body which is used in the creation of adrenalin and noradrenalin, while creating dopamine as well.  The body makes tyrosine the make the thyroid hormones which are essential to metabolism.

When adrenalin and noradrenalin get raised, the heart rate and the body temperature also increase, using big much calorie counts. (It also reduces appetite.) These are the top ingredients of trans4orm that helps burn body fats.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Trans4orm – Burning Fat

With all the hype and the noise regarding fat loss and other weight-related trending items and those in the news, experts have all concluded that the best weight-loss program consists of only two factors. These would be the right exercise and proper diet. To add some zip, the fat-burner supplement Trans4orm could be included.

One of the best among the lot, this supplement carries some of the most potent fat-burning ingredients in its mix, plus some more. It has caffeine, green tea extracts, yohimbin, L-tyrosine, coleus extract, alpha choline, biopherine, hupperzia extracts and the vitamin B complex (B3 / B6 / B12 / folic acid).


These elements are usually combined in the supplements to burn away fat produced in the thermogenic processes in the body. Basically, this is simply inducing a slight increase in the metabolism of the body for some few hours after taking them. (Thermogenic substances are the most common – and tested – types of weight loss elements in current use.)

These elements work together in having the body’s metabolic processes raised for sometime. With the raised metabolism, the body then burns more calories even when it is inactive. (Not all fat-burning substances in supplements are necessarily thermogenic, though.)

In another way, these substances also affect the body’s fat metabolism when they limit the amount of fat that gets absorbed into the body. (This is different from the process where the fat is burned away.)

Green tea

One of the more known fat-burner is taken from the green tea (camellia senensis). The extracts from the tea contains compounds like regular catechins and ECCG, another form of catechin. These catechins produce the thermogenic effect on the body.

Studies have shown that men ingesting the active catechins in the tea have significantly reduced their total fat areas, including waistlines. Caffeine also makes it more effective.


Caffeine also works in helping burn fats, and in athletes, help in doing more work for longer periods in the gym floor and in other sports. For more effective results, it works best when combined with the others.

For individuals who still have their food cravings after an exercise routine, caffeine is also known as a potent appetite suppressant. Likewise, it is known to boost energy, metabolism, mental focus, and supports natural appetite while burning fat.  (Coleus extract is known to be effective when combined with caffeine.)


There are several substances that are included in the mix. The alpha choline supports mental activity and focus while the yohimbin works on weight management in a fasted state. The biopherine increase the potency of the other extracts.

One key amino acid, L-tyrosine, helps in the metabolism and levels of energy and moods. It helps overcome fatigue usually during fasting.

Hupperzia supports mental focus while the B complex vitamins (B3 / B6 / B12 / folic acid) promote the production of cells and supports the metabolism levels in the body.

Trans4orm as your fat burning supplement can certainly aid in shedding those unwanted fat in your body without the attendant risks (some have elements that are not exactly for everyone) and compromising your health.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Good Effects of Branch Chain Amino Acid Supplementation

Professionals suggested that with Branch Chain Amino Acid supplements, it could potentially promote muscle mass gain, decrease protein breakdown in the muscle and delay fatigue in endurance sessions. However, all studies were not able to demonstrate the effects of BCAAs on performance or on delay in the onset of fatigue. You should know that muscle synthesis requires the presence of all the essential amino acids. Having a large amount of BCAAs will not allow synthesis if the other amino acids are not available. Additionally, taking such supplements may be accompanied by undesirable effects such as the inhibition of absorption of other amino acids, water retention in the stomach and gastrointestinal disorders. During workouts, the body uses BCAAs to derive energy. The longer you do intense workouts, the more BCAAs are used by muscles for energy. It is estimated that 5 to 20 percent of all workout energy is provided by taking Branch Chain Amino Acid supplements. The mechanism responsible for this phenomenon is attributed to activation of the branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKDH) complex. Fatty acids and other competitive enzymes tightly regulate the activity of the BCKDH enzyme. Your body needs BCAAs, especially leucine, when you work out. The demand for readily available leucine is at least 20 times higher than the rest of the amino acid reserve. This is why as much as possible, you need to consume more protein in whichever form available if you want to improve your stamina and endurance in your daily activity basis.

Branch chain amino acids are a group of 3 essential amino acids:

  • Leucine​​​​​
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine

As far as branch chain amino acid supplements have effects on the body, leucine seems to be the first to work of the trio. Leucine stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Next is the Isoleucine. Isoleucine has the ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis is much weaker than that of leucine. However, it’s able to increase glucose uptake and the usage of glucose during training. Lastly, Valine doesn’t seem to provide any real benefits over isoleucine or leucine. Now that you know what branched chain amino acids are and what they can do, your objective is how do you make sure you get enough BCAAs in your body. The most obvious way to get plenty of BCAAs into your system is to eat protein-rich foods such as yoghurt, milk, meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Present in all foods containing protein, you won’t even need to plan at all. As for women, you should make sure you consume plenty of protein during menopause anyway so things should fall naturally into place with BCAAs. If you don’t manage to get enough protein as part of your normal diet, you must try to increase your consumption. If this is not enough, there are plenty of Branch Chain Amino Acid supplements in the market to help you attain this goal. These branch chain amino acid supplements are not expensive, and if you decide that supplementation is right for you, do your research first or rather consult a physician.