Saturday, September 29, 2018

Pre-Workout Nutrition – Preparing the Body for Workout

pre workout nutrition is simply the right set of foods to take before doing your intense workout routines. The nutrition these foods give can help you make better progress. Ideally, this is taking the needed food before training, with the supplements to maximize your productivity in the workout.

These are the essential food nutrients the body need that are sure to be expended (lost) during the exercise routines. An example is taking in proteins a few hours before the exercise can help maintain and even increase muscle size. Overall, it helps your performance and your general health.


Filling up your body with the right proteins just before your workout can help reduce markers of muscle damage. (During exercise, there is a decrease of myoglobin, creatine kinase and myofibrillar proteins.) Carbohydrates do not seem to have the same effect.

When the muscles are less damaged, there is faster recovery and your body can adapt the exercise routine in the long run. It floods the bloodstream with amino acids at the time when the body needs them the most. This boosts its muscle-building capabilities.

Eating before training

Whether your primary goal is performance or physique-based, you are unlikely to have a great workout unless you have the proper fuel for it. Without the calories on your body, you just won’t have the energy to train with intensity.


A key nutrition that the body needs in order to have optimal energy is carbohydrates. Carbs need not be a fearsome nutrient even if you are on a low-bard diet. Putting in the carbs into your pre-workout meal can provide the fuel for a good workout.  

However, you need to be alert to the timing of your carbohydrate intake. If it is a fast-digesting carbs (like white rice, for instance), doing your workout can make feel sluggish the whole time.

With carbs that have high-fiber content (such as oatmeal), you need to eat at least an hour before you train.  High-fiber foods digest slowly and can sometimes cause the feeling of being bloated accompanied by gas.


Don’t take away your branched-chain amino acids (BCCA) if you want your cardio on. These supplements can provide you an immediate3 fuel source for the muscle tissues. BCCAs are directly absorbed into the bloodstream and immediately transported to the muscles.

Taking in BCCAs before, during, and post-workout can help minimize muscle breakdown. They are a great supplement to add to your nutrition preparing for the workout.

Leucine, one of the three essential amino acids that make up the BCCAs is an essential part of the muscle-building process of the body while reducing fatigue and muscle soreness.


To those individuals who are sensitive to coffee may skip this. However, caffeine intake before your gym work can have positive effect on your result. Research pointed out that athletes who took caffeine before their workout are able to perform better.

Reaction time is decreased; there is sustained endurance and there is an increase in total repetitions during training. pre workout nutrition supplements can truly make a difference on your performance. pre workout nutrition

Monday, September 17, 2018

Pre Workout Supplements – Increasing Body Power and Strength

The pre workout supplements are needed by the body-builder intending to have an intense workout.  The reason is that natural food from natural sources take time to be dissolved and absorbed by the body before the nutrients can be used.

In truth, body abs is built in the kitchen and not in the gym floor, says an expert.  In actual practice, body builders need to ingest (eat) the necessary nutrient three times – before the workout, during the workout, and after.

These supplements can increase your power or strength at the gym floor while others may boost your endurance. Knowing which are best for your type of exercise can help you find the right combinations to work best for you.

Here are some of the most important supplements to include in preparing for your workout.

Sports scientists consider creatine as just right for increasing strength and power to your body. It can safely increase muscle mass, strength and exercise performance.

There are studies that report that gains in strength from weight training programs are 5 to 10% higher on average with people taking creatine on supplement. This could be the fact that creatine has an important part in the energy production systems of the body in the cells.

For very intense exercises (like weightlifting), the body uses creatine phosphates to produce energy.
Supplements can give greater energy source when training intensely. Creatine can be taken any time of the day.

This one helps fight muscle fatigue by combating acid when there is a build up during intense routines. It increases its concentration in the body and improves performance during short bursts of exercise routines.

During exercise, the main cause of fatigue are intramuscular acidosis. One of the resulting metabolic products in exercise is excess hydrogen ions. When these are not cleared fast enough, they can produce lactic acid. There would be pain and extreme fatigue.

Aside from decreasing hydrogen ions, it also acts as anti-oxidant.

Body fitness buffs now commonly ingest BCCAs, the branched-chain amino acids of leucine, isoleucine and valine for their muscle-building effects. It is also found out that BCCAs may also improve endurance.

The other study results have shown that BCCAs may reduce mental and physical fatigue. They can reduce fatigue and muscle soreness.

This is one amino acid produced by the body. Consuming it as a supplement is beneficial to exercise performance. Research had shown that it helps supply the exercising muscles with the oxygen and nutrients needed to perform well.

This also helps in easing your blood flow to the other body tissues.

This ingredient found mostly in coffee and tea can stimulate your brain to increase alertness while making you feel less tired.

is a natural ingredient found mostly in coffee, tea, and some other food and beverages. It works by stimulating certain parts of the brain to increase alertness while making you fell less tired.

For your type of exercise, you will have a combination of these pre-workout supplements that will suit your needs and requirements. pre-workout supplements

Friday, September 14, 2018

BCAA Supplement – Ready Supply of Amino Acids

BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine and valine) are the largest collection of amino acids in the body (35% of muscle protein) which are all essential but not produced by the body but are necessary for survival. In intensive exercise routines, they are needed as BCAA supplement.

Today, BCAAs are mainly used by body builders and some athletes mainly for exercise purposes. They are used for increasing energy, and to boost the protein synthesis mainly with leucine.

Muscle loss

The acids have been found to be useful in gaining back skeletal muscles and in the maintenance of muscle mass lost in the intense exercise routines by bodybuilders mostly. In some parts, they are also used to protect the muscles with the catabolic effects of dieting.

Dieting is a catabolic process that leads to muscle breakdown, resulting in skeletal muscle loss. This makes the body try harder to hold on to its store of fat. Finally, it turns onto the muscles to satisfy its energy needs.

Muscle loss happens when the body increases protein breakdown to liberate the amino acids in the muscles for use as fuel in the body’s metabolic processes. If the rate of synthesis is the same as the rate of breakdown (happening in intensive exercises), there might not be muscle loss. However, there is no gain either.


Working as essential amino acids, the BCAAs stimulate muscle protein synthesis. This is more than the regular protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the metabolic process when the body makes new muscles protein. (These are known as gains in body-building circles.)

With the increase of BCAA levels, there is also a reduction in the rate of protein breakdown. This decreases the several processes involved in the breakdown of proteins. The increase of synthesis and the decrease of the breakdown results in the muscle gain, or at least maintaining it.


With BCAA as supplement, you could get a more intense workout. BCAA competes with the amino acid tryptophan for entry into the brain where tryptophan is converted into the neurotransmitter serotonin. During exercise routines, serotonin levels can rise. They can make you feel more fatigued and can suppress the urge to try harder.

BCAA can reduce the amount of tryptophan that gets through the blood-brain barrier. This effectively reduces the amount of serotonin produced. This can make you work harder, longer and consequently get more gains.


The BCAA in whey are liberated through digestion to be absorbed into the bloodstream. This would need some time to have the acids broken down to be absorbed into the plasma.

BCAA in supplement forms are free-form and require no digestion and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. They begin working immediately.

Glucose regulation

BCAA has an important role in regulating glucose. Continuously released from the liver to the skeletal muscles, glucose helps maintain blood sugar levels. Amino acids in the body help improve glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity in healthy people.

Exercise leads to amino acid use, and the BCAA supplement immediately supply the amino acids needed in the blood sugar production during workouts.